This document was added or updated on 02/08/2016.
02/08/2016 - Replacement of Table 24.5 in data cube 24:
- Correction of errors in number of all employees, imputed contributions and total contributions;
- Gender comparison added; and
- Correction of footnote (c)
21/04/2016 - New information released on superannuation for persons (data cube 24).
16/12/2015 - This release includes new information:
- Median net worth added to Household Assets and Liabilities tables for each subpopulation;
- New Low economic resource households tables (data cube 3);
- New Imputed rent tables using new experimental methodologies (data cube 13);
- Imputed rent for owner-occupied dwellings using a new experimental methodology added to Income distribution tables for each subpopulation; and
- Income totals (including imputed rent using new experimental methodologies) added to Income, Government Benefits and Taxes tables for each subpopulation.
13/11/2015 - Replacement of data cubes to correct:
- Tables 1, 5-12 and 15 Social Transfers in Kind data;
- Table 6.1 Gross Income data; and
- Table 11.1 median Disposable Income and Equivalised Disposable Income for Couple families with dependent children only and their youngest child is 5 to 14 years old.
04/09/2015 - Initial release of Household Income and Wealth, 2013-14 data cubes