The Australian Producer Price Indexes (PPIs) measure the change in the prices of products (goods and services) as they leave the place of production or as they enter the production process.
From the September quarter 2015 index numbers for the Stage of Production, Input to the Manufacturing industries, Output of the Manufacturing industries and Output of the Services industries indexes have been calculated using a new weight reference period of 2012–13, derived from the Australian National Accounts: Input–Output Tables – Electronic Publication, 2012–13 Final (cat. no. 5209.0.55.001). The new weighting pattern can be found in the Producer Price Indexes Weighting Patterns, 2015 (cat. no. 6247.0.55.006). Weighting patterns for the Output of the Construction industry are intended to be updated at a later date.
Due to the implementation of the new weighting patterns, June quarter 2015 points contributions have been revised to enable an assessment of the component's contribution to net price change.
The re-weight of the PPIs required minor updates to the Producer and International Trade Price Indexes: Concepts, Sources and Methods (cat. no. 6429.0) publication. The updated publication was released on the 12 November 2015.