6265.0 - Underemployed Workers, Australia, Sep 2005  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 23/03/2006   
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The ABS has a range of data available on request from the Underemployed Workers Survey. This section lists the data items and populations which relate to the survey. More detailed breakdowns of some data items may also be available on request.

The population(s) for a particular data item refers to the person in the survey to whom the data item relates. Where alternative output categories are available for the same data item, these are shown and the data item name is followed by a bracketed numeral (e.g. Country of birth (2)).

For more information about ABS data available on request, contact Linda Fardell on Canberra (02) 6252 6562, or by facsimile on (02) 6252 7512, or by email to <linda.fardell@abs.gov.au>.

Population 1:

Employed persons.

Population 2:

Full-time workers.

Population 3:

Part-time workers.

Population 4:

Part-time workers who would prefer more hours.

Population 5:

Part-time workers who would prefer more hours who had been looking for work with more hours or were available to start work with more hours in the reference week or within four weeks.

Population 6:

Underemployed part-time workers.

Population 7:

Underemployed workers

Data items Populations

1 State or territory of usual residence All
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
2 Area of usual residence All
Capital city
Balance of state/territory
3 Region of usual residence All
Standard labour force dissemination regions
4 Sex All
5 Marital status All
Not married
6 Relationship in household All
Family member
Husband, wife or partner
With dependants
Without dependants
Lone parent
With dependants
Without dependants
Dependent student
Non-dependent child
Other family person
Non-family member
Lone person
Not living alone
Relationship not determined
7A Country of birth and period of arrival All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Arrived before 1971
Arrived 1971-1980
Arrived 1981-1990
Arrived 1991-2000
Arrived 2001 to survey date
7B Country of birth (1) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Born in main English-speaking countries
Born in other than main English-speaking countries
7C Country of birth (2) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Oceania and Antarctica
North-West Europe
Southern and Eastern Europe
North Africa and the Middle East
South-East Asia
North-East Asia
Southern and Central Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
8 Age group (years) All
65 and over
Note: Single years were collected
9 Underemployment status 7
Worked less than 35 hours in reference week for economic reasons
Part-time workers who would prefer more hours who were available to start work with more hours in the reference week or within four weeks
Looking and available to start
Not looking but available to start
10A Full-time or part-time status All
Full-time workers
Part-time workers
10B Full-time or part-time status (1) All
Employed persons
Full-time workers
Worked 35 hours or more in the reference week
Worked less than 35 hours in the reference week
For non-economic reasons
For economic reasons
Part-time workers
Would not prefer to work more hours
Would prefer to work more hours
Prefers more part-time hours
Prefers full-time hours
11 Whether fully employed All
Fully employed
Part-time workers who would prefer more hours and persons who worked less than 35 hours in the reference week for economic reasons
12 Status in employment All
Own account worker
Contributing family worker
13 Number of hours worked in the reference period 4-7
35 or more
Note: Single hours were collected
14 Type of insufficient work 4-6
15 Duration of current period of insufficient work 4-7
1-3 weeks
4-12 weeks
13-51 weeks
52 weeks or more
Note: Single weeks were collected
16 Level of highest educational attainment 4-7
Postgraduate Degree
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Diploma/Diploma
Certificate III/IV
Certificate I/II
Certificate not further defined
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10 or below
Other education
Level not determined
No educational attainment/attendance
17 Whether would move interstate if offered a suitable job 4-7
Would move interstate
Would not move interstate
Might move interstate
Did not know
18 Whether would move intrastate if offered a suitable job 4-7
Would move intrastate
Would not move intrastate
Might move intrastate
Did not know
19 Whether would prefer to change occupation to work more hours 4-7
Would prefer to change occupation
Would prefer not to change occupation
No preference
20 Whether would prefer to change employer to work more hours 4-7
Would prefer to change employer
Would prefer not to change employer
No preference
21 Whether looking and/or available 4-6
Had been looking for work with more hours
Looking and available to start
Looking and available in the reference week
Looking and not available in the reference week but within four weeks
Looking and not available to start
Had not been looking for work with more hours
Not looking and available to start
Not looking but available in the reference week
Not looking and not available in the reference week but within four weeks
Not looking and not available to start
21A Whether available and/or looking 4-6
Available to start work with more hours
Available in the reference week
Not looking
Available within four weeks (but not the reference week)
Not looking
Not available to start work with more hours
Not looking
22 All steps taken to find work in the last four weeks 4-6
Asked current employer for more work
Contacted prospective employers
Registered with Centrelink
Checked Centrelink touchscreens
Checked factory noticeboards
Contacted an employment agency
Looked in newspapers
Searched internet sites
Answered a newspaper advertisement for a job
Advertised or tendered for work
Contacted friends or relatives
Other steps taken to find work
Had not been looking for work with more hours
23 Whether registered with Centrelink 4-6
Registered with Centrelink for job search assistance
Not registered with Centrelink for job search assistance
Had not been looking for work with more hours
24 Preferred number of extra hours 4-6
Less than 10
30 or more
Note: Single hours were collected
25 Main difficulty in finding work 4-6
Had been looking for work with more hours
Own ill health or disability
Considered too young by employers
Considered too old by employers
Unsuitable hours
Too far to travel/transport problems
Lacked necessary skills or education
Language difficulties
Insufficient work experience
No vacancies in line of work
Too many applicants for available jobs
No vacancies at all
Difficulties with ethnic background
Difficulties in finding child care
Other family responsibilities
Other difficulties
No difficulties reported
Had not been looking for work with more hours
26 Usual number of hours worked 4-6
Note: Single hours were collected
27 Preferred total number of hours 4-6
Less than 30
40 or more
Note: Single hours were collected
28 Owner manager of incorporated enterprise (OMIE) status All
Employee (not OMIE)
Owner manager of incorporated enterprise
Owner manager of unincorporated enterprise
Contributing family worker