5512.0 - Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2007-08 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 14/04/2009   
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1 The international GFS standard as promulgated by the International Monetary Fund recommends that opening and closing 'stock' values be reconciled with all 'flows' occurring throughout the year. The standard is based on an analytical framework in which all changes in the values of stocks from one year to the next can be fully explained by the flows that have occurred during that year.

2 Institutional units hold assets (financial and non-financial) and incur liabilities (which by definition are financial). The level of these assets and liabilities at any point in time is the stock. The difference between assets and liabilities is net worth, which is a measure of the 'wealth' of units or of government. Anything which causes a change in these stocks of assets and liabilities is a flow. Flows are disaggregated into transactions and 'other economic flows'. A transaction is, for the most part, an interaction between two units by mutual agreement, whereas an 'other economic flow' is a change in the volume or value of a stock of a unit not resulting from a transaction.

3 By definition, the value of a stock at the end of a period is the sum of the stock at the beginning of the period and all the flows affecting that stock which took place during the period, i.e. S1 = S0 + F1 ,where S0 and S1 represent the values of a specific stock at the beginning and end of an accounting period, and F1 represents the net value of all flows during the period relevant to that particular stock.

4 Statistics on transactions giving rise to revenues and expenses are currently published as part of the GFS operating statement. Revenues are defined as transactions which increase net worth whereas expenses are transactions which decrease net worth. The difference between revenues and expenses, therefore, represents the change in net worth due to transactions. This equates to the GFS net operating balance.

5 Other economic flows can be further disaggregated into movements in asset/liability values resulting from price changes ('revaluations') and those resulting from volume changes ('other volume changes').

6 Revaluations result from changes to the value of the assets and liabilities whilst held. Revaluations can accrue to financial assets such as bonds and bills, shares and other forms of equity, as well as non-financial assets such as land and buildings.

7 Other volume changes refer to events that include:

  • the recognition or de-recognition of assets or liabilities on the balance sheet - e.g. when resources become economically exploitable, or when an asset is no longer providing an economic benefit, and so is removed from the balance sheet.
  • changes in the quantity or quality of the existing asset - these typically result from catastrophic losses through natural disasters, changes in the volume of natural assets such as fish or forest stocks, creation, discovery, cancellation or seizure of assets, or quality differences arising from events such as a change in the expected life of the asset.
  • changes in the classification of assets - these usually arise when the use of an asset changes, e.g. if the use of a parcel of public land changes from recreational use to industrial use.

8 The net effect of all revaluations and other volume changes occurring through the year represents the change in net worth due to other economic flows.

9 Since the values of stocks at the end of a year must be equal to their values at the start of a year, plus all transactions and other economic flows affecting them during the year, it follows that the total change in net worth during a given year is equal to the change in net worth due to transactions, plus the change in net worth arising from other economic flows.

10 When working with actual reported data, it is often assumed that the difference between opening and closing net worth and the change in net worth due to transactions is attributable to the change in net worth due to other economic flows (i.e. other economic flows is effectively used as a balancing item). However, to ensure data quality it is necessary to independently collect and calculate the change in net worth due to other economic flows. In situations where the reported data do not add through, it is not necessarily the case that the data quality issue is in the other economic flows component of the framework. Where data quality is high throughout the reported data set, the three independently reported components (i.e. change in net worth as derived via the balance sheet, change in net worth due to transactions, and change in net worth due to other economic flows) will be consistent with each other.

11 The Commonwealth Government publishes a statement of other economic flows for the general government sector. This statement outlines all revaluations and other volume changes occurring throughout the year, which allows a full reconciliation of stocks and flows. This information allows the ABS to disaggregate other economic flows into price and volume effects. While some states also publish a statement of other economic flows, the majority currently do not. For local government, information on the components of other economic flows are also generally unavailable. Accordingly, the ABS does not have enough information on which to disaggregate other economic flows into its two components across the state and local levels of government.

Commonwealth General Government - Statement of Stocks and Flows

12 The Commonwealth Government publishes a statement of other economic flows for the general government sector. This statement outlines all revaluations and other volume changes occurring throughout the year, which allows a full reconciliation of stocks and flows. This information allows the ABS to disaggregate other economic flows into price and volume effects. While some states also publish a statement of other economic flows, the majority currently do not. For local government, information on the components of other economic flows are also generally unavailable. Accordingly, the ABS does not have enough information on which to disaggregate other economic flows into its two components across the state and local levels of government.

13 The statement of stocks and flows for the Commonwealth general government sector is presented in Table 1. During 2007-08 the net worth of the Commonwealth general government sector increased by $36,109 million. This was the result of a $23,304 million GFS net operating balance (which reflects the change in net worth due to transactions) combined with a change in net worth due to other economic flows of $12,805 million. There were no other volume changes in 2007-08. The key contributors to Other Economic Flows concerned revaluations of assets, notably equity (up $18,224m), land and fixed assets (up $5,137m) and investments, loans and placements (down $12,937m). The liabilities side of the statement was most influenced by an $8,328 decrease in other non-equity liabilities.

TABLE 1. COMMONWEALTH, General Government - Statement of Stocks and Flows

Opening Stocks as at June 2007
Other Volume changes
Closing Stocks as at June 2008

Financial assets
Cash and deposits                                                    
1 107
1 784
Advances paid                                                        
27 072
1 478
-3 213
25 337
Investments, loans and placements                                    
72 602
29 303
-12 937
88 968
Other non-equity assets                                              
38 887
-1 667
37 220
32 332
-6 586
18 224
43 970
172 000
24 870
197 280
Non-financial assets
Land and fixed assets                                                
47 590
5 137
53 162
Other non-financial assets                                           
1 538
-1 590
47 861
2 538
3 547
53 381
219 861
26 843
3 957
250 661
Deposits held                                                        
2 919
3 179
Advances received                                                    
63 571
1 786
66 103
Unfunded superannuation and other employee entitlements              
111 127
-2 130
108 997
Other provisions                                                     
7 108
7 886
Other non-equity liabilities                                         
28 090
1 579
-8 328
21 341
212 816
3 540
-8 850
207 506
GFS Net worth                                                          
7 046
23 304
12 805
43 155
Net debt                                                               
-34 291
. .
. .
. .
-46 808
Net financial worth                                                    
-40 816
. .
. .
. .
-10 226

. . not applicable
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)

State and Local General Government - Statement of Stocks and Flows

14 Both the state and local tables (Table 2 and Table 3 respectively) highlight the significance of other economic flows. Though the net worth of state governments increased by $77,565 million during 2007-08, only $3,996 million of this increase can be attributed to transactions. The remaining $73,569 million is the result of other economic flows. The largest contributors amongst assets were land and fixed assets ($66,708 million) and equity ($18,454 million). Land and fixed assets in Queensland rose sharply due mainly to a $27,897m revaluation of their road infrastructure assets. The most significant contributor amongst liabilities was unfunded superannuation and other employee entitlements at $11,280 million.

15 In 2007-08, the net worth of local government increased by $31,889 million. Only $3,093 million of this increase can be attributed to transactions. $28,796 million of the change in net worth is the result of other economic flows, which is almost entirely driven by increases in the value of land and fixed assets ($28,287 million).

TABLE 2. STATE, General Government - Statement of Stocks and Flows

Opening Stocks as at June 2007
Other Economic Flows
Closing Stocks as at June 2008

Finanical assets
Cash and deposits                                                    
10 258
3 651
13 266
Advances paid                                                        
6 259
6 097
Investments, loans and placements                                    
43 906
-2 902
1 467
42 471
Other non-equity assets                                              
21 324
22 143
185 641
18 454
204 670
267 388
1 391
19 868
288 647
Non-finanical assets
Land and fixed assets                                                
329 792
7 736
66 708
404 236
Other non-financial assets                                           
4 968
-3 284
2 252
334 760
8 304
63 424
406 488
602 148
9 695
83 292
695 135
Deposits held                                                        
1 516
1 445
Advances received                                                    
3 349
3 239
27 989
4 902
33 397
Unfunded superannuation and other employee entitlements              
81 845
11 280
93 019
Other provisions                                                     
8 936
8 830
Other non-equity liabilities                                         
17 897
1 212
-2 085
17 024
141 532
5 699
9 723
156 954
GFS Net worth                                                          
460 616
3 996
73 569
538 181
Net debt                                                               
-27 570
. .
. .
-23 754
Net financial worth                                                    
125 857
. .
. .
131 693

. . not applicable
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)

TABLE 3. LOCAL, General Government - Statement of Stocks and Flows

Opening Stocks as at June 2007
Other Economic Flows
Closing Stocks as at June 2008

Finanical assets
Cash and deposits                                                    
5 500
6 074
Advances paid                                                        
Investments, loans and placements                                    
6 587
6 915
Other non-equity assets                                             
2 215
2 531
1 639
15 946
16 515
Non-financial assets
Land and fixed assets                                                
211 098
3 527
28 287
242 912
Other non-financial assets                                           
1 967
2 148
213 064
3 752
28 244
245 060
229 010
3 680
28 885
261 575
Deposits held                                                        
Advances received                                                    
5 963
6 167
Unfunded superannuation and other employee entitlements              
2 058
2 131
Other provisions                                                     
Other non-equity liabilities                                         
2 460
2 861
11 786
12 462
GFS Net worth                                                          
217 224
3 093
28 796
249 113
Net debt                                                               
-5 195
. .
. .
-5 909
Net financial worth                                                    
4 159
. .
. .
4 053

. . not applicable

Further information

16 For more information on the statement of stocks and flows, refer to Table 2.1 in Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods (cat no 5514.0) and Chapter 4 of the International Monetary Fund's Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001