For the Total Public Sector across All Levels of Government, GFS revenue increased by $37,176m (7.2%) from $513,084m in 2010–11 to $550,260m in 2011–12. Over the same period GFS expenses increased by $35,386m (6.4%) from $553,026m to $588,412m. As a result the GFS net operating balance moved from –$39,942m in 2010–11 to –$38,152m in 2011–12.
Between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012 GFS net worth across the Total Public Sector moved from $905,812m to $724,291m.
The following tables show a time series of major aggregates for the Total Public Sector across different levels of government.
MAJOR AGGREGATES, Total Public Sector, All Levels of Government |
| 2006–07 | 2007–08 | 2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 | 2011–12 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
GFS Revenue | 445 547 | 470 714 | 472 966 | 474 205 | 513 084 | 550 260 |
GFS Expenses | 410 171 | 434 084 | 494 189 | 516 899 | 553 026 | 588 412 |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 35 375 | 36 629 | –21 223 | –42 694 | –39 942 | –38 152 |
Net acquisition of non–financial assets | 25 297 | 31 700 | 42 448 | 50 877 | 43 497 | 40 017 |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(–) | 10 078 | 4 929 | –63 671 | –93 571 | –83 439 | –78 169 |
Cash Surplus(+)/Deficit(–) | 6 270 | 9 238 | –50 842 | –85 752 | –71 948 | –73 308 |
Total assets | 1 338 075 | 1 520 538 | 1 719 013 | 1 836 375 | 1 874 351 | 1 953 918 |
Total liabilities | 584 146 | 625 021 | 782 071 | 906 619 | 968 539 | 1 229 628 |
GFS Net worth | 753 928 | 895 516 | 936 942 | 929 756 | 905 812 | 724 291 |
For the Commonwealth Government Total Public Sector, GFS revenue increased by $29,632m (9.2%) from $322,330m in 2010–11 to $351,962m in 2011–12. Over the same period GFS expenses increased by $23,124m (6.3%) from $367,978m to $391,102m. As a result the GFS net operating balance moved from –$45,648m in 2010–11 to –$39,140m in 2011–12.
Between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012 GFS net worth for the Commonwealth Government Total Public Sector moved from –$99,421m to –$250,315m.
MAJOR AGGREGATES, Total Public Sector, Commonwealth Government |
| 2006–07 | 2007–08 | 2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 | 2011–12 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
GFS Revenue | 293 834 | 315 042 | 310 286 | 298 435 | 322 330 | 351 962 |
GFS Expenses | 273 743 | 288 388 | 333 786 | 349 277 | 367 978 | 391 102 |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 20 091 | 26 654 | –23 500 | –50 842 | –45 648 | –39 140 |
Net acquisition of non–financial assets | 3 758 | 4 382 | 5 814 | 8 294 | 7 177 | 7 147 |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(–) | 16 333 | 22 271 | –29 314 | –59 136 | –52 826 | –46 287 |
Cash Surplus(+)/Deficit(–) | 17 238 | 24 186 | –23 504 | –56 794 | –44 996 | –42 203 |
Total assets | 339 579 | 384 341 | 412 967 | 408 028 | 404 397 | 423 874 |
Total liabilities | 293 439 | 306 451 | 387 023 | 452 680 | 503 819 | 674 188 |
GFS Net worth | 46 140 | 77 890 | 25 944 | –44 652 | –99 421 | –250 315 |
For the State Government Total Public Sector, GFS revenue increased by $9,595m (3.8%) from $251,643m in 2010–11 to $261,238m in 2011–12. Over the same period GFS expenses increased by $9,552m (3.8%) from $253,353m to $262,905m. As a result the GFS net operating balance moved from –$1,711m in 2010–11 to –$1,667m in 2011–12.
Between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012 GFS net worth for the State Government Total Public Sector moved from $650,211m to $603,710m.
MAJOR AGGREGATES, Total Public Sector, State Government |
| | 2006–07 | 2007–08 | 2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 | 2011–12 |
| | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Total all states | | | | | | |
| GFS Revenue | 192 343 | 201 876 | 215 496 | 243 149 | 251 643 | 261 238 |
| GFS Expenses | 180 573 | 196 020 | 217 191 | 238 651 | 253 353 | 262 905 |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 11 770 | 5 857 | –1 696 | 4 498 | –1 711 | –1 667 |
New South Wales | 3 352 | 1 521 | 905 | 3 847 | 1 093 | 1 655 |
Victoria | 2 160 | 1 420 | –120 | 593 | –693 | –1 330 |
Queensland | 2 785 | –1 073 | –2 579 | –2 259 | –3 675 | –2 244 |
South Australia | 330 | 662 | –339 | 746 | 128 | –83 |
Western Australia | 2 759 | 2 438 | 217 | 827 | 1 125 | 306 |
Tasmania | 77 | 205 | 37 | 176 | 120 | –62 |
Northern Territory | 242 | 482 | 242 | 513 | 183 | 157 |
Australian Capital Territory | 66 | 199 | –56 | 57 | 11 | –11 |
Net acquisition of non–financial assets | 16 963 | 22 619 | 30 124 | 35 265 | 29 902 | 25 817 |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(–) | –5 194 | –16 762 | –31 820 | –30 767 | –31 612 | –27 484 |
New South Wales | –1 751 | –4 377 | –6 834 | –5 888 | –6 481 | –5 150 |
Victoria | –766 | –1 346 | –5 750 | –5 579 | –6 843 | –6 775 |
Queensland | –4 017 | –11 146 | –13 531 | –12 014 | –12 207 | –9 491 |
South Australia | 48 | 317 | –1 589 | –1 853 | –1 775 | –1 450 |
Western Australia | 935 | –835 | –3 563 | –4 307 | –2 366 | –2 896 |
Tasmania | 95 | 188 | –478 | –521 | –568 | –373 |
Northern Territory | 97 | 225 | –103 | –305 | –799 | –628 |
Australian Capital Territory | 166 | 209 | 29 | –298 | –568 | –667 |
Cash Surplus(+)/Deficit(–) | –9 857 | –14 824 | –25 301 | –24 044 | –26 711 | –24 943 |
New South Wales | –8 496 | –3 955 | –5 305 | –4 582 | –4 743 | –7 485 |
Victoria | –1 316 | –762 | –4 947 | –3 858 | –5 713 | –4 482 |
Queensland | –1 325 | –11 174 | –11 086 | –10 404 | –11 009 | –8 539 |
South Australia | 194 | 388 | –1 303 | –1 596 | –1 927 | –971 |
Western Australia | 411 | –510 | –2 446 | –2 954 | –2 060 | –2 322 |
Tasmania | 213 | 340 | –328 | –437 | –218 | –204 |
Northern Territory | 196 | 295 | 77 | –130 | –704 | –437 |
Australian Capital Territory | 268 | 554 | 42 | –83 | –337 | –447 |
Total assets | 746 512 | 849 553 | 988 330 | 1 074 845 | 1 110 055 | 1 153 100 |
Total liabilities | 285 871 | 313 985 | 386 380 | 447 362 | 458 078 | 547 605 |
GFS Net worth | 460 641 | 535 569 | 601 950 | 625 722 | 650 211 | 603 710 |
New South Wales | 135 986 | 146 596 | 135 526 | 151 310 | 163 364 | 143 293 |
Victoria | 84 738 | 91 620 | 118 277 | 119 421 | 126 505 | 112 738 |
Queensland | 117 835 | 155 184 | 185 189 | 176 577 | 172 299 | 168 139 |
South Australia | 22 746 | 21 199 | 24 153 | 36 241 | 40 960 | 37 213 |
Western Australia | 75 722 | 92 890 | 107 453 | 108 185 | 112 536 | 111 801 |
Tasmania | 9 717 | 11 458 | 11 761 | 11 403 | 10 821 | 9 408 |
Northern Territory | 2 722 | 3 213 | 4 753 | 6 845 | 7 517 | 7 005 |
Australian Capital Territory | 11 175 | 13 408 | 14 836 | 15 739 | 16 209 | 14 114 |