There are eight fields provided in each sheet in the CCL spreadsheet. In order of presentation, the fields are:
Harmonized Tariff Item Statistical Code: the 10-digit code given to an import commodity at the greatest level of detail (refer Customs Tariff, available from the Australian Customs Service, for full listing).
Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification: the 8-digit code given to an export commodity at the greatest level of detail (refer ABS publication Catalogue No. 1233.0, for full listing).
A date in this field indicates that the HTISC or AHECC has been superseded, and gives the date (format MMDDYYYY) this took place. If this field is blank, the HTISC or AHECC is current.
The month in which the restriction commenced, i.e. data for the item for that month will be restricted. The date of effect is always the first of the month.
The final month for which a restriction is effective. The date of cessation is always the last day of the month.
Some ABS international trade output is presented using the Standard International Trade Classification (Revision 3), rather than the HTISC or AHECC. Codes in this field show the SITC 5-digit item which is affected by the restricted HTISC or AHECC.
Some ABS international trade output is presented on an industry of origin basis according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). Codes in this field show the ANZSIC 4 digit industry code which is affected by the restricted HTISC or AHECC.
Confidentiality restrictions are applied to data at the most detailed level of the classification (statistical code level). Effects of these restrictions at the broader level are addressed in the Explanatory Notes. Special arrangements are made for exports of alumina, and port statistics for Gove and Groote Eylandt. These are also addressed in the Explanatory Notes.
The range of standard restrictions applied to data together with their impact is set out below.
No State Details
Suppresses all details of Australian States of final destination/discharge for imports, and Australian State of loading/origin for exports.
Selected State Details
As per No State Details except that only nominated States are suppressed in output, eg Selected State Details NSW VIC means separate data are not available for NSW or Victoria, but they are available for other States.
No Country Details
Suppresses all details of source countries for imports and destination countries for exports.
Selected Country Details
As per No Country Details except that only nominated countries are suppressed in output, eg Selected Country Details USA, BRAZ, FGMY means separate data are not available for USA, Brazil or Germany, however they are available for other countries.
No State x Country Details
Suppresses trade between the countries and States covered by the restriction, eg No State x Country QLD TAS USA means that for trade with the USA, separate data for QLD and TAS are not available.
No Quantity Details
Suppresses all quantity and gross weight details
No Value Details
Suppresses all value details.
No Value Details for Country
Suppresses all value details by country but retains quantity details by country.
No Duty Details
Suppresses details of duty paid, duty rate, Treatment code and Preference Code for import commodities.
Broad Commodity Details
Suppresses data at detailed item level, but some aggregated data at the chapter level is available. For example, data for exports of beneficiated ilmenite (AHECC 26140020) is not available separately, but is grouped with other items from Chapter 26 with a Broad Commodity Details restriction into a 'dump' code (AHECC 26999999). No details of the country of origin (for imports), the country of final destination (for exports) or the Australian State and port are made available for goods in the chapter dump item. For import clearances, duty details are also suppressed. The composition of the chapter dump codes has changed over time due to the imposition and removal of Broad Commodity Details restrictions, so care should be exercised in making comparisons between data for various time periods for the chapter dump codes.
No Commodity Details
Suppresses all commodity details. Data for all commodities with a No Commodity Details restriction are aggregated to a 'confidential item' code in Chapter 99.
A "free standing" description of the goods which are included under the HTISC or AHECC item, eg "Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated". Free standing descriptors exist for all numeric codes and provide descriptions of codes which are meaningful outside the context of classification hierarchies. Please note that free standing descriptors are not used in the collection of data. There is a character limitation so abbreviations have been extensively used.