This document was added or updated on 31/01/2014.
History of changes
01/08/2014 Additional Information.
Information about men's and women's experience of selected types of sexual harassment behaviours has been released for the first time from the 2012 Personal Safety Survey (PSS). An "Experience of selected types of sexual harassment" chapter has been added and an additional data cube has been released on the downloads tab.
Additional information from the 2012 PSS has also be released about women with a disability. The "Demographics of those who have experienced violence" chapter has been updated to include more detailed analysis of women with a disability and their experience of violence in the last 12 months by disability status and type of disability and an additional data cube had been released on the downloads tab.
10/7/2014 Replacement Content.
The South Australia datacube released 7/7/14 on the downloads tab has been replaced. Table 1 contained a small number of proportions that had been calculated using the incorrect denominator. The proportions have been updated in the replacement datacube.
7/7/2014 Additional Information.
Additional data cubes have been added to the downloads tab. A data cube for each State and Territory has been added containing a selection of tables which supplement the national tables provided in the first release from Personal Safety, Australia.
The "Experience of emotional abuse by a partner" chapter has been updated to include a link to an article released by the ABS that provides a more detailed analysis of Emotional Abuse by a partner, including the characteristics and frequency of emotional abuse.
31/01/2014 Replacement Content.
An incorrect label appeared in "Table B: EXPERIENCE OF VIOLENCE SINCE THE AGE OF 15, Relationship to perpetrator by sex of perpetrator (extract from Tables 4 and 6)". Under FEMALE PERPETRATOR, the subtotal in italics was labelled: "Total females who experienced violence by a female perpetrator since the age of 15 (a)", however this subtotal refers to the total persons who experienced violence by a female perpetrator since the age of 15.
This label has been corrected as follows: "Total persons who experienced violence by a female perpetrator since the age of 15 (a)".