4631.0 - Employment in Renewable Energy Activities, Australia, 2013-14 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 13/04/2015  First Issue
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ACTAustralian Capital Territory
ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics
ANZSICAustralian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
ARENAAustralian Renewable Energy Agency
CEFCClean Energy Finance Corporation
ESCEssential Services Commission
FiTFeed-in tariff
FTEFull time equivalent
GDPGross Domestic Product
HWSHot water system
ICTInformation and Communication Technologies
IPARTIndependent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
IRENAInternational Renewable Energy Agency
kWhkilowatt hour
LRETLarge Renewable Energy Target
MW megawatt
NPIsNon-profit institutions
NSWNew South Wales
NTNorthern Territory
RECsRenewable Energy Certificates
RETRenewable Energy Target
SEEASystem of Environmental-Economic Accounting
SEEA-CFCentral Framework of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
SNASystem of National Accounts
SRESSmall-scale Renewable Energy Scheme