For more information about Crime and Justice statistics, look for our newly updated Crime and Justice theme page on the ABS website. These pages include information about recent NCCJS events and releases and are a centralised source that links all ABS information on crime and justice related areas in the one place.
ABS Crime and Justice publications are now all free of charge on the ABS website. They can be found listed under sub-section 45 'Crime and Justice' of the 'Publications' section of the AusStats menu. Printed copies of the publications can be ordered from the website, but will incur a charge. A number of electronic tables in spreadsheet or data cube format have also been made available free of charge.
Crime and Justice News will no longer be produced in hard-copy format, in line with recent policy changes to ABS dissemination practices that now make all ABS publications available free of charge on the web. You can subscribe to this newsletter if you are not already on our electronic mailing list by sending an email with your details to crime.justice@abs.gov.au. The newsletter can also be viewed through the ABS website or from the Crime and Justice theme page.