This document was added or updated on 20/08/2012.
18/12/2012 As new data became available two datacubes attached to this publication were updated.
The datacube 'Net overseas migration, Arrivals and departures, State/territory, age and sex' has been updated with final data for 2010 and preliminary data for 2011-12.
The datacube 'Interstate migration, Arrivals and departures, State/territory, age and sex' has been updated with preliminary data for 2011-12.
20/08/2012 Updates were made to ensure all links within the publication were working and directing readers to the correct pages. Also, one correction was made to the "Net Overseas Migration" chapter regarding DIAC's publication, "The Outlook for Net Overseas Migration: March 2012". This publication produces NOM forecasts at the Australia level, not the state and territory level as previously indicated.