This publication presents statistics on the number of deaths, for reference year by state or territory of Australia, sex, selected age groups, and cause of death classified to the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Version 10 of the ICD was introduced from the 1999 reference year. Causes of death is presented in the publication in a number of different ways including: by underlying cause, leading causes and multiple causes. Data is also presented for deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, and for suicide deaths.
The 2010 data presented in this publication are preliminary data and will be subject to a revision process. Revised 2009 and final 2008 Causes of Death data are also presented in this publication by underlying cause of death. In addition 2006 cause of death data has undergone a revisions process with final 2006 data presented here. For further information on the revision process see linked Explanatory Notes and Technical Note.
For the 2007-2009 reference years, perinatals data was released in the Perinatal Deaths, Australia (cat. no. 3304.0) publication. This data will now be included in this publication. Statistics on the number of perinatal deaths, for reference year by state or territory of usual residence of Australia, sex and cause of death classified to the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD) will be presented. Data will be published for reference years from 2001 to 2010.