1 Below is a table of publications related to Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0) that have recently been released or will be released in the near future.
Release date | Catalogue number | Publication title | Contents |
Recent Releases |
28/09/2016 | cat. no. 3302.0 | Deaths, Australia, 2015 | Deaths data for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state for 2015. |
28/09/2016 | cat. no. 3303.0 | Causes of Death, Australia, 2015 | Cause of death data for Australia, states and territories. |
10/10/2016 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, August 2016 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
27/10/2016 | cat. no. 3302.0.55.001 | Life Tables, States, Territories and Australia, 2013-2015. | State, territory and Australian life tables for the period 2013-2015. |
08/11/2016 | cat. no. 3301.0 | Births, Australia, 2015 | Births data for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state for 2015. |
10/11/2016 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, September 2016 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
12/12/2016 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, October 2016 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
15/12/2016 | cat. no. 3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun qtr. 2016 | Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes births, deaths, and interstate and overseas movement data. |
Upcoming Releases |
16/01/2017 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, November 2016 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
13/02/2017 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, December 2016 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
14/03/2017 | cat. no. 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, January 2017 | Monthly overseas arrivals and departures data. |
23/03/2017 | cat. no. 3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep qtr. 2016 | Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes births, deaths, and interstate and overseas movement data. |
30/03/2017 | cat. no. 3218.0 | Regional Population Growth, Australia 2015-16 | Population estimates for all sub-state regions as at June 2016. |
30/03/2017 | cat. no. 3412.0 | Migration, Australia 2015-16 | International migration into and out of Australia, interstate migration and information on overseas-born residents of Australia. |
Other |
various | various | ABS.Stat | An interactive, free online tool that presents demographic data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way. Currently in 'Beta' stage (http://stat.abs.gov.au/). |
2 The following table shows the release schedule for Rebased ERP over the next few years.
Release date | Type of population estimate or release | Product |
2017 |
22 Jun 2017 | Preliminary rebased national and state/ territory estimates | Australian Demographic Statistics, December quarter 2016 (cat. no. 3101.0) |
28 Jul 2017 | Preliminary rebased sub-state estimates | Regional Population Growth, Australia 2016 (cat. no. 3218.0) |
28 Aug 2017 | Preliminary rebased sub-state estimates by age and sex | Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia 2016 (cat. no. 3235.0) |
28 Sep 2017 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons - national estimates for 30 June 2016 | Australian Demographic Statistics, March quarter 2017 (cat. no. 3101.0) |
2018 |
Jun 2018 | Final rebased national and state/territory estimates; Household estimates (part of state) | Australian Demographic Statistics, December quarter 2017 (cat. no. 3101.0) |
Aug 2018 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons estimates | Population Estimates, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2016 (3238.0.55.001) |
Nov 2018 | Life tables and life expectancy estimates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, 2015-2017 | Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2015-2017 (3302.0.55.003) |
Late 2018 | Population projections | Population Projections, Australia (3222.0) |
2019 |
Mar 2019 | Country of birth estimates | Migration, Australia, 2017-18 (3412.0) |
Mid 2019 | Household and Family projections | Household and Family Projections, Australia (3236.0) |
Late 2019 | Estimates and projections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons | Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians (3238.0) |