List of Electronic Tables |
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Table name | Publication table number | Electronic table number |  |
|  |
Chapter 1 National Accounts | Chapter 1 National Accounts | Chapter 1 National Accounts |  |
 | GDP and other selected aggregates, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 1.1 | 1 |  |
 | GDP and other selected aggregates, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 1.1 | 2 |  |
 | Expenditure on gross domestic product, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 1.2 | 3 |  |
 | Expenditure on gross domestic product, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 1.2 | 4 |  |
 | Expenditure on gross domestic product, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 1.2 | 5 |  |
 | Gross value added, ANNUAL-By industry at basic prices-Chain volume measures | Table 1.3 | 6 |  |
 | Gross value added, QUARTERLY-By industry at basic prices-Chain volume measures | Table 1.3 | 7 |  |
 | Income component of gross domestic product, ANNUAL | Table 1.4 | 8 |  |
 | Income component of gross domestic product, QUARTERLY | Table 1.4 | 9 |  |
 | National income account, ANNUAL | Table 1.5 | 10 |  |
 | National income account, QUARTERLY | Table 1.5 | 11 |  |
 | National accounts ratios and indexes, ANNUAL | Table 1.6 | 12 |  |
 | National accounts ratios and indexes, QUARTERLY | Table 1.6 | 13 |  |
 | All Australian Governments, ANNUAL-Government finance statistics | Table 1.7 | 14 |  |
 | All Australian Governments, ANNUAL-Government finance statistics balance sheet-as at 30 June 2007 | Table 1.8 | 15 |  |
Chapter 2 International Accounts | Chapter 2 International Accounts | Chapter 2 International Accounts |  |
 | Balance of Payments, ANNUAL-Current account | Table 2.1 | 1 |  |
 | Balance of Payments, QUARTERLY-Current account-Seasonally adjusted | Table 2.1 | 2 |  |
 | Balance of Payments, ANNUAL-Capital and financial account | Table 2.2 | 3 |  |
 | Balance of Payments, QUARTERLY-Capital and financial account | Table 2.2 | 4 |  |
 | International Trade in goods and services, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 2.3 | 5 |  |
 | International Trade in Goods and Services, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures-Seasonally adjusted | Table 2.3 | 6 |  |
 | International Trade in Goods and Services, ANNUAL | Table 2.4 | 7 |  |
 | International Trade in Goods and Services, MONTHLY | Table 2.4 | 8 |  |
 | Goods credits, ANNUAL-By commodity group | Table 2.5 | 9 |  |
 | Goods Credits, MONTHLY-By commodity group | Table 2.5 | 10 |  |
 | Goods Debits, ANNUAL-By commodity group | Table 2.6 | 11 |  |
 | Goods debits, MONTHLY-By commodity group | Table 2.6 | 12 |  |
 | Services, ANNUAL | Table 2.7 | 13 |  |
 | Services, MONTHLY | Table 2.7 | 14 |  |
 | Investment income, ANNUAL ($ million) | Table 2.8 | 15 |  |
 | Investment income, QUARTERLY ($ million) | Table 2.8 | 16 |  |
 | International Investment Position, ANNUAL | Table 2.9 | 17 |  |
 | International Investment Position, QUARTERLY | Table 2.9 | 18 |  |
 | International Investment Position, ANNUAL-By type of investment | Table 2.10 | 19 |  |
 | International Investment Position, QUARTERLY-By type of investment | Table 2.10 | 20 |  |
 | Balance of Payments and International investment position Ratios, ANNUAL | Table 2.11 | 21 |  |
 | Balance of Payments and International investment position ratios, QUARTERLY | Table 2.11 | 22 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, ANNUAL-By selected countries and country groups | Table 2.12 | 23 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, QUARTERLY-By selected countries and country groups | Table 2.12 | 24 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade Shares, ANNUAL-By selected countries and country groups | Table 2.13 | 25 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade Shares, QUARTERLY-By selected countries and country groups | Table 2.13 | 26 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, ANNUAL-By selected countries of the ASEAN | Table 2.14 | 27 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, QUARTERLY-By selected countries of the ASEAN | Table 2.14 | 28 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade Shares, ANNUAL-By selected countries of the ASEAN | Table 2.15 | 29 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade shares, QUARTERLY-By selected countries of the ASEAN | Table 2.15 | 30 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, ANNUAL-By selected member countries of the European Union | Table 2.16 | 31 |  |
 | Merchandise Trade, QUARTERLY-By selected member countries of the European Union | Table 2.16 | 32 |  |
 | Merchandise trade shares, ANNUAL-By selected member countries of the European Union | Table 2.17 | 33 |  |
 | Merchandise trade shares , QUARTERLY-By selected member countries of the European Union | Table 2.17 | 34 |  |
Chapter 3 Consumption and Investment | Chapter 3 Consumption and Investment | Chapter 3 Consumption and Investment |  |
 | Household final consumption expenditure, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 3.1 | 1 |  |
 | Household final consumption expenditure, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 3.1 | 2 |  |
 | Retail Trade, ANNUAL-By industry group-Chain Volume Measures | Table 3.2 | 3 |  |
 | Retail Trade, QUARTERLY-By industry group-Chain Volume Measures | Table 3.2 | 4 |  |
 | Retail Turnover , ANNUAL-By industry group | Table 3.3 | 5 |  |
 | Retail Turnover, MONTHLY-By industry group | Table 3.3 | 6 |  |
 | Private gross fixed capital formation and inventories, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 3.4 | 7 |  |
 | Private gross fixed capital formation and inventories, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 3.4 | 8 |  |
 | Actual Private New Capital Expenditure, ANNUAL-By type of asset and selected industry | Table 3.5 | 9 |  |
 | Actual Private New Capital expenditure, QUARTERLY-By type of asset and selected industry | Table 3.5 | 10 |  |
 | Expected and actual private new capital expenditure , ANNUAL-By selected industry and type of asset | Table 3.6 | 11 |  |
 | Book value of inventories owned by private business, ANNUAL | Table 3.7 | 12 |  |
 | Book value of inventories owned by private business, QUARTERLY | Table 3.7 | 13 |  |
 | New Motor Vehicle Sales, ANNUAL-By type of vehicle | Table 3.8 | 14 |  |
 | New motor vehicle sales, MONTHLY-By type of vehicle | Table 3.8 | 15 |  |
Chapter 4 Production | Chapter 4 Production | Chapter 4 Production |  |
 | Indexes of industrial production, ANNUAL-By industry | Table 4.1 | 1 |  |
 | Indexes of industrial production, QUARTERLY-By industry | Table 4.1 | 2 |  |
 | Livestock Products, ANNUAL-Selected indicators | Table 4.2 | 3 |  |
 | Livestock Products, QUARTERLY-Selected indicators | Table 4.2 | 4 |  |
 | Livestock Products, QUARTERLY-Selected indicators-Milk Intake by factories | Table 4.2 | 5 |  |
 | Manufacturing Production, ANNUAL-Selected indicators | Table 4.3 | 6 |  |
 | Manufacturing Production, QUARTERLY-Selected indicators | Table 4.3 | 7 |  |
 | Manufacturers' sales and inventories, ANNUAL | Table 4.4 | 8 |  |
 | Manufacturers' sales and inventories, QUARTERLY | Table 4.4 | 9 |  |
 | Private Mineral and Petroleum Exploration actual and expected, ANNUAL | Table 4.5 | 10 |  |
 | Private Mineral and Petroleum Exploration actual and expected , QUARTERLY | Table 4.5 | 11 |  |
 | Private Mineral and Petroleum Exploration actual and expected , HALF YEARLY | Table 4.5 | 12 |  |
 | Production of Selected Minerals, ANNUAL | Table 4.6 | 13 |  |
 | Production of Selected Minerals, QUARTERLY | Table 4.6 | 14 |  |
 | Building Approvals, ANNUAL-Number and value | Table 4.7 | 15 |  |
 | Building Approvals, MONTHLY-Number and value | Table 4.7 | 16 |  |
 | Building Commencements, ANNUAL-Number and value-Chain volume measures | Table 4.8 | 17 |  |
 | Building Commencements, QUARTERLY-Number and value-Chain volume measures | Table 4.8 | 18 |  |
 | Value of building work done, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 4.9 | 19 |  |
 | Value of building work done, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 4.9 | 20 |  |
 | Construction activity, ANNUAL-Value of work done-Chain volume measures | Table 4.10 | 21 |  |
 | Construction activity, QUARTERLY-Value of work done-Chain volume measures-Seasonally adjusted | Table 4.10 | 22 |  |
 | Construction Activity, QUARTERLY-Value of work done-Chain volume measures-Trend | Table 4.10 | 23 |  |
 | Engineering Construction Activity, ANNUAL-Value of work done-Chain volume measures | Table 4.11 | 24 |  |
 | Engineering Construction Activity, QUARTERLY-Value of work done-Chain volume measures | Table 4.11 | 25 |  |
 | Tourist Accommodation, ANNUAL | Table 4.12 | 26 |  |
 | Tourist Accommodation, QUARTERLY | Table 4.12 | 27 |  |
Chapter 5 Prices | Chapter 5 Prices | Chapter 5 Prices |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-By group | Table 5.1 | 1 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-By group | Table 5.1 | 2 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-Special series and All groups | Table 5.2 | 3 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-Special series and All groups | Table 5.2 | 4 |  |
 | Chain price indexes, ANNUAL-Expenditure on GDP | Table 5.3 | 5 |  |
 | Chain price indexes, QUARTERLY-Expenditure on GDP | Table 5.3 | 6 |  |
 | Implicit Price Deflators : Components of International Trade in Goods and Services, ANNUAL | Table 5.4 | 7 |  |
 | Implicit Price Deflators : Components of international trade in goods and services, QUARTERLY | Table 5.4 | 8 |  |
 | RBA Index of Commodity Prices, ANNUAL | Table 5.5 | 9 |  |
 | RBA index of commodity prices, MONTHLY | Table 5.5 | 10 |  |
 | Indexes of Prices Received and Paid, ANNUAL-By Farmers | Table 5.6 | 11 |  |
 | Selected Housing Price and related Indexes, ANNUAL-Original | Table 5.7 | 12 |  |
 | Selected Housing Price and related Indexes, QUARTERLY-Original | Table 5.7 | 13 |  |
 | Selected Producer Price Indexes, ANNUAL | Table 5.8 | 14 |  |
 | Selected Producer Price Indexes, QUARTERLY | Table 5.8 | 15 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in House Building by Materials group, ANNUAL | Table 5.9 | 16 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in House Building by Materials group, QUARTERLY | Table 5.9 | 17 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in Manufacturing Industries, ANNUAL-Selected industries | Table 5.10 | 18 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in Manufacturing Industries, QUARTERLY-Selected industires | Table 5.10 | 19 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Articles Produced, ANNUAL-By manufacturing industries-Selected ANZSIC subdivision | Table 5.11 | 20 |  |
 | Price Indexes of Articles Produced, QUARTERLY-By manufacturing industries-Selected ANZSIC subdivision | Table 5.11 | 21 |  |
 | Export Price Indexes, ANNUAL-By selected AHECC section | Table 5.12 | 22 |  |
 | Export Price Indexes, QUARTERLY-By selected AHECC section | Table 5.12 | 23 |  |
 | Import Price Indexes, ANNUAL-By SITC sections | Table 5.13 | 24 |  |
 | Import Price Indexes, QUARTERLY-By SITC sections | Table 5.13 | 25 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-Analytical series | Table 5.14 | 26 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-Analytical series | Table 5.14 | 27 |  |
 | Stage of Production Producer Price Indexes, ANNUAL | Table 5.15 | 28 |  |
 | Stage of Production Producer Price Indexes, QUARTERLY | Table 5.15 | 29 |  |
 | Service industries Producer Price Indexes, ANNUAL | Table 5.16 | 30 |  |
 | Service industries producer Price Indexes, QUARTERLY | Table 5.16 | 31 |  |
Chapter 6 Labour Force and Demography | Chapter 6 Labour Force and Demography | Chapter 6 Labour Force and Demography |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, ANNUAL-Persons | Table 6.1 | 1 |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, MONTHLY-Persons | Table 6.1 | 2 |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, ANNUAL-Males | Table 6.2 | 3 |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, MONTHLY-Males | Table 6.2 | 4 |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, ANNUAL-Females | Table 6.3 | 5 |  |
 | Labour Force Status of the Civilian Population, MONTHLY-Females | Table 6.3 | 6 |  |
 | Unemployment rate, ANNUAL-By sex and age group | Table 6.4 | 7 |  |
 | Unemployment rate, MONTHLY-By sex and age group | Table 6.4 | 8 |  |
 | Unemployed persons, MONTHLY-Duration of unemployment-Original | Table 6.5 | 9 |  |
 | Unemployed Persons, QUARTERLY-Reason for Leaving Last Job-Original | Table 6.6 | 10 |  |
 | Employed Persons, ANNUAL-By industry | Table 6.7 | 11 |  |
 | Employed Persons, QUARTERLY-By industry | Table 6.7 | 12 |  |
 | Job Vacancies, ANNUAL | Table 6.8 | 13 |  |
 | Job Vacancies, QUARTERLY-Seasonally adjusted | Table 6.8 | 14 |  |
 | Industrial Disputes, ANNUAL-By industry-Working days lost per '000 employees | Table 6.9 | 15 |  |
 | Industrial Disputes, QUARTERLY-By industry-Working days lost per '000 employees | Table 6.9 | 16 |  |
 | Estimates Resident Population and Components of Population Change, ANNUAL | Table 6.10 | 17 |  |
 | Estimates Resident Population and Components of Population Change, QUARTERLY | Table 6.10 | 18 |  |
 | Estimated resident population, ANNUAL-At 30 June | Table 6.11 | 19 |  |
 | Overseas Arrivals and departures, ANNUAL | Table 6.12 | 20 |  |
 | Overseas arrivals and departures, MONTHLY | Table 6.12 | 21 |  |
Chapter 7 Incomes and Labour Costs | Chapter 7 Incomes and Labour Costs | Chapter 7 Incomes and Labour Costs |  |
 | Household income account, ANNUAL-Sources of income | Table 7.1 | 1 |  |
 | Household income account, QUARTERLY-Sources of income | Table 7.1 | 2 |  |
 | Household income account, ANNUAL-Uses of income | Table 7.2 | 3 |  |
 | Household income account, QUARTERLY-Uses of income | Table 7.2 | 4 |  |
 | Company profits before income tax, QUARTERLY-By broad industry | Table 7.3 | 5 |  |
 | Average Weekly Earnings of Employees, ANNUAL-Full-time adults | Table 7.4 | 6 |  |
 | Average Weekly Earnings Employees, QUARTERLY-Full-time adults | Table 7.4 | 7 |  |
 | Total hourly rates of pay indexes, ANNUAL-By occupation-Excluding bonuses | Table 7.5 | 8 |  |
 | Total hourly rates of pay indexes, QUARTERLY-By occupation-Excluding bonuses | Table 7.5 | 9 |  |
 | Labour Costs, ANNUAL AVERAGE | Table 7.6 | 10 |  |
 | Labour Costs, QUARTERLY | Table 7.6 | 11 |  |
Chapter 8 Financial Markets | Chapter 8 Financial Markets | Chapter 8 Financial Markets |  |
 | Financial Aggregates, ANNUAL | Table 8.1 | 1 |  |
 | Financial Aggregates, MONTHLY | Table 8.1 | 2 |  |
 | Secured Housing Finance Commitments to Individuals, ANNUAL | Table 8.2 | 3 |  |
 | Secured Housing Finance Commitments to Individuals, MONTHLY-Seasonally adjusted | Table 8.2 | 4 |  |
 | Personal Finance Commitments, ANNUAL | Table 8.3 | 5 |  |
 | Personal Finance Commitments, MONTHLY | Table 8.3 | 6 |  |
 | Commercial and Lease Finance Commitments, ANNUAL | Table 8.4 | 7 |  |
 | Commercial and lease Finance Commitments, MONTHLY | Table 8.4 | 8 |  |
 | Key Interest Rates, ANNUAL | Table 8.5 | 9 |  |
 | Key Interest Rates, MONTHLY | Table 8.5 | 10 |  |
 | Exchange Rates, ANNUAL | Table 8.6 | 11 |  |
 | Exchange Rates, MONTHLY | Table 8.6 | 12 |  |
 | Australian Stock Market Indexes, ANNUAL | Table 8.7 | 13 |  |
 | Australian Stock Market Indexes, MONTHLY | Table 8.7 | 14 |  |
 | Credit Market Summary ($ billion), ANNUAL | Table 8.8 | 15 |  |
 | Credit Market Summary ($ billion), QUARTERLY | Table 8.8 | 16 |  |
Chapter 9 State Comparisons | Chapter 9 State Comparisons | Chapter 9 State Comparisons |  |
 | Estimated resident Population, ANNUAL | Table 9.2 | 1 |  |
 | Estimated resident Population, QUARTERLY | Table 9.2 | 2 |  |
 | Gross state product and state final demand, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 9.3 | 3 |  |
 | Gross state product and state final demand, QUARTERLY-Chain volume measures | Table 9.3 | 4 |  |
 | Retail Turnover, ANNUAL-Chain volume measures | Table 9.4 | 5 |  |
 | Retail Turnover, QUARTERLY-Seasonally Adjusted-Chain volume measures | Table 9.4 | 6 |  |
 | Retail Turnover, MONTHLY-Trend | Table 9.4 | 7 |  |
 | Total Private New Capital Expenditure, ANNUAL | Table 9.5 | 8 |  |
 | Total Private New Capital expenditure, QUARTERLY-Seasonally adjusted | Table 9.5 | 9 |  |
 | New Motor Vehicle Sales, ANNUAL-Total | Table 9.6 | 10 |  |
 | New Motor Vehicle Sales, MONTHLY-Total | Table 9.6 | 11 |  |
 | Building Approvals, ANNUAL-Number and value | Table 9.7 | 12 |  |
 | Building Approvals, MONTHLY-Number and value | Table 9.7 | 13 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-All groups | Table 9.8 | 14 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-All groups | Table 9.8 | 15 |  |
 | Employed Persons, ANNUAL | Table 9.9 | 16 |  |
 | Employed Persons, MONTHLY | Table 9.9 | 17 |  |
 | Unemployment Rate, ANNUAL-Persons | Table 9.10 | 18 |  |
 | Unemployment rate, MONTHLY-Persons | Table 9.10 | 19 |  |
 | Average Weekly Total Earnings of employees, All employees | Table 9.11 | 20 |  |
 | Total Job Vacancies, ANNUAL | Table 9.12 | 21 |  |
 | Total Job Vacancies, QUARTERLY | Table 9.12 | 22 |  |
 | Secured Housing Finance Commitments to Individuals, ANNUAL-Number and Value | Table 9.13 | 23 |  |
 | Secured Housing Finance Commitments to Individuals, MONTHLY-Number and Value | Table 9.13 | 24 |  |
 | Total Hourly rates of pay Indexes, ANNUAL-Excluding bonuses | Table 9.14 | 25 |  |
 | Total hourly rates of pay indexes, QUARTERLY-Excluding bonuses | Table 9.14 | 26 |  |
Chapter 10 International Comparisons | Chapter 10 International Comparisons | Chapter 10 International Comparisons |  |
 | Real gross domestic product volume index, ANNUAL | Table 10.1 | 1 |  |
 | Real gross domestic product volume index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.1 | 2 |  |
 | Balance on current account, ANNUAL-Percentage of seasonally adjusted GDP | Table 10.2 | 3 |  |
 | Balance on current account, QUARTERLY-Percentage of seasonally adjusted GDP | Table 10.2 | 4 |  |
 | Balance of payments, ANNUAL-Current balance | Table 10.3 | 5 |  |
 | Balance of payments, MONTHLY-Current balance | Table 10.3 | 6 |  |
 | Private consumption expenditure volume index, ANNUAL | Table 10.4 | 7 |  |
 | Private consumption expenditure volume index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.4 | 8 |  |
 | Private fixed capital investment volume index, ANNUAL | Table 10.5 | 9 |  |
 | Private fixed capital investment volume index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.5 | 10 |  |
 | Industrial Production volume index, Annual | Table 10.6 | 11 |  |
 | Industrial Production volume index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.6 | 12 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-All items | Table 10.7 | 13 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-All items | Table 10.7 | 14 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, ANNUAL-Excluding shelter | Table 10.8 | 15 |  |
 | Consumer Price Index, QUARTERLY-Excluding shelter | Table 10.8 | 16 |  |
 | Producer Price Index, ANNUAL | Table 10.9 | 17 |  |
 | Producer Price Index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.9 | 18 |  |
 | Wages Index, ANNUAL | Table 10.10 | 19 |  |
 | Wages Index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.10 | 20 |  |
 | Employment index, ANNUAL | Table 10.11 | 21 |  |
 | Employment Index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.11 | 22 |  |
 | Unemployment rate, ANNUAL | Table 10.12 | 23 |  |
 | Unemployment rate, MONTHLY | Table 10.12 | 24 |  |
 | M1 plus quasi-money index, ANNUAL | Table 10.13 | 25 |  |
 | M1 plus quasi-money index, QUARTERLY | Table 10.13 | 26 |  |
|  |