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The Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Summit Project Board are developing an exciting program which will allow delegates to discuss issues regarding the development of community indicators for the future. A number of highly respected industry leaders across government, non-government, academic and business sectors have agreed to share their experiences and contribute to the discussion on developing a common set of indicators to Australia. Speakers include:
Registrations are flowing in for the Summit now. If you wish to be part of it contact or log on to for more details. AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES, AUSTRALIA, 2007-08 Agricultural Commodities, Australia, 2007-08 (cat. no. 7121.0) was released 22 May 2009. This publication contains final estimates for the main commodities collected in the 2007-08 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). Included are statistics on land use, industry activity, crop and horticulture area and production, and livestock. Some selected results for Queensland include:
WATER USE ON AUSTRALIAN FARMS, 2007-08 Water use on Australian Farms, 2007-08 (cat. no. 4618.0) was released 26 May 2009. This publication presents estimates of agricultural water use, including pastures and crops irrigated. Estimates are presented for Australia, state/territories and Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions, as well as for the Murray-Darling Basin. The estimates are compiled from data collected as part of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) for the year ended 30 June 2008. Selected results for Queensland include:
AG MAG - THE AGRICULTURE NEWSLETTER, MAY 2009 Ag Mag - The Agriculture Newsletter, May 2009 (cat. no. 7101.0) was released 29 May 2009. This electronic newsletter provides topical information about the ABS's agricultural statistics program. It looks at the program's structure, responsibilities, outputs and the status of current projects. This edition of Ag Mag highlights the results of the 2007-08 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), plans for the major 2008-09 Agricultural Statistics collection, and recent releases relating to the value of irrigated production and water use. As well, it looks at a new suite of collections to provide information on the wheat industry and an exciting new project ABS are about to undertake as part of the Great Barrier Reef Rescue program. EXPERIMENTAL LIFE TABLES FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER AUSTRALIANS, 2005-07 Experimental Life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Australians, 2005-07 (cat. no. 3302.0.55.003) was released 25 May 2009. This product contains abridged experimental life tables for male and female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) Australians for the reference period. A life table is a statistical model used to represent mortality of a population. In its simplest form, a life table is generated from age-specific death rates and the resulting values are used to measure mortality, survivorship and life expectancy. Some selected results for Queensland include:
POPULATION ESTIMATES: CONCEPTS, SOURCES AND METHODS, 2009 Population Estimates: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2009 (cat. no. 3228.0.55.001) was released 12 June 2009. This publication provides a description of the concepts, sources and methods used by the ABS in the production of population estimates. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the range of population estimates produced by the ABS and outlines some of the major uses for these population estimates. Chapters 2 and 3 outline the methods and data used to produce population estimates at the national/state and statistical local area (SLA) levels, while Chapter 4 outlines the method used to produce population estimates for customised geography. Chapters 5 to 8 provide additional information of components of population growth and of selected sub-populations. Chapter 9 describes the data sources used to produce population estimates. Further technical details are provided in the Appendices. DEMOGRAPHY NEWS, MAY 2009 Demography News, May 2009 (cat. no. 3106.0) was released 25 May 2009. Demographic statistics provide measures of the Australian population, its size, growth, composition and geographic distribution, as well as the components that shape population change: births, deaths and migration. This newsletter provides information about the latest demographic research and analysis being undertaken by the ABS. RECORDED CRIME - VICTIMS, AUSTRALIA, 2008 Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2008 (cat. no. 4510.0) was released 4 June 2009. This publication contains uniform national statistics relating to victims of crime for a selected range of offences that have become known to and recorded by police. The statistics provide indicators of the level and nature of recorded crime as it relates to victims in Australia and measures change over time. It also provides a breakdown of the selected offences by: victim characteristics (age and sex); the nature of the incident (weapon use and location); and outcome of police investigations at 30 days. These data are also available by state and territory. Some selected results for Queensland include:
FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT, AUSTRALIA, NOVEMBER 2008 Forms of Employment, Australia, Nov 2008 (cat. no. 6359.0) was released 12 June 2009. This publication provides information about employed persons (excluding contributing family workers) aged 15 years and over and their employment arrangements in the Australian workforce. Among the topics covered are the different types of employment arrangements including contract work, casual employment and leave entitlements, and employment characteristics, such as hours worked, industry and occupation. Estimates can be cross-classified by demographics such as state, sex, age, marital status and country of birth, as well as labour force characteristics. Some selected results for Queensland include:
PERSPECTIVES ON SPORT, MAY 2009 Perspectives on Sport, May 2009 (cat. no. 4156.0.55.001) was released 25 May 2009. The Perspectives on Sport provide users with articles that discuss issues relating to sport and sporting programs that are commonplace within the Australian political and media landscape. This issue features three articles - Football: Four Games, One Name; Health and Fitness Centres and Gymnasia and Women in Sport. These articles aim to provide further informed commentary to assist those debating these major issues. Some selected results for Queensland include:
AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY, 2007-08 Australian Industry, 2007-08 (cat. no. 8155.0) was released 28 May 2009. This publication presents estimates derived using a combination of data from the Economic Activity Survey and business tax data sourced from the Australian Tax Office. For most industry divisions and subdivisions (as specified in the Australian and New Zealand Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition), estimates at a national level are presented of: income; expenses; industry value added; operating profit before tax; capital expenditure; and selected components of these aggregates and derivations. State/territory estimates of income, employment, and wages and salaries, at the division level are also included. This release also includes additional detailed data spreadsheets relating to the Energy Supply industry which was collected for the 2007-08 reference period. Selected results for Queensland include:
STATISTICAL LITERACY Are you statistically literate? In today's information-rich society we encounter statistical information on a daily basis ranging from unemployment rates, retail figures and cancer rates, to football ladders and cricket scores. Statistics tell interesting stories and enable us to make sense of the world. Statistics are essential for research, planning and decision-making purposes. While it may be the issues rather than the statistics that grab people's attention, it should be recognised that it is the statistics that inform the issues. Being statistically literate means being equipped and having the ability to accurately understand, interpret and evaluate the data that inform these issues. A lack of statistical literacy can result in misunderstandings and misrepresentation of data which can lead not only to erroneous conclusions, but a mistrust of statistics themselves. If you are uncomfortable with using statistics, you are not alone. Many people shy away from using statistics because of their perceived complexity. People may:
You do not have to be an expert at maths to work with statistics! Numeracy implies a basic competence in mathematics, a basic understanding of numbers and figures. It is certainly a prerequisite to being statistically literate, but statistical literacy is not about being adept at formulating or understanding the methodology behind the numbers. Statistical literacy requires a basic understanding of statistical concepts and is the ability to interpret the numbers and express that understanding in words. Statistics may be presented in different ways, including tables, graphs, maps or text, or through numbers and symbols; they are not scary or boring if you know what they mean. For someone to be considered statistically literate, they need to be comfortable and competent with all of these forms. There are several concepts that recur throughout the literature on statistical literacy. These fall into four key areas and can be considered in a practical manner as ‘criteria’ on which to base statistical literacy:
If you would like to know more about statistical literacy and its relevance to you, check out the article: What is statistical literacy and why is it important to be statistically literate? as featured in Tasmanian State and Regional Indicators (cat. no. 1307.6). If you are interested in Statistical training offered by the ABS please visit the National Statistics Training Institute theme page on the ABS website. AGE MATTERS, MAY 2009 Age Matters, May 2009 (cat. no. 4914.0.55.001) was released 29 May 2009. Age Matters is a newsletter about age related statistics. It includes topical articles and reviews of relevant ABS publications. Age Matters highlights developments in statistics on the ageing population, and other information of likely interest to ageing researchers and policy makers. Interested readers are also invited to visit the Ageing theme page on the ABS website for links to ageing-relevant ABS datasets and other websites. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, 2009 Conceptual Framework for Family and Domestic Violence, 2009 (cat. no. 4529.0) was released 18 May 2009. This product contains a conceptual framework for data relating to family and domestic violence. Family and domestic violence is a significant social and policy issue that has profound psychological and financial impacts on the individual, their friends and family, and on the local and broader community. Awareness of the incidence and prevalence of family and domestic violence has been increasing. However accurate data to support the development of policy, services and responses for victims and perpetrators is still lacking. This Framework has:
In doing so the Framework will allow for a better understanding of family and domestic violence concepts, and the relationships between these concepts, that require measurement, and for identifying data gaps. EDUCATION NEWS, MAY 2009 Education News, May 2009 (cat. no. 1330.0) was released 27 May 2009. Education News keeps teachers and students up to date with ABS resources and data that is relevant to the school's sector. This newsletter highlights the latest curriculum related teaching resources, student activities and statistical tools that have been developed by ABS Education Services as well as other ABS resources that are useful for schools. Topics highlighted in this latest issue include:
CURF MICRODATA NEWS, MAY 2009 CURF Microdata News, May 2009 (cat. no. 1104.0) was released 29 May 2009. This newsletter is aimed at informing new and current Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) Microdata users about issues and developments in the access to, and use of, CURF Microdata. The newsletter periodically covers topics such as available and forthcoming microdata releases, terms and conditions of access, responsible access to microdata and best practice tips, pricing, microdata research outputs, frequently asked questions, and information about applying for ABS CURF microdata. MINING STATISTICS NEWSLETTER, MAY 2009 Mining Statistics Newsletter, May 2009 (cat. no. 8418.0) was released 12 June 2009. This is the first issue of this newsletter and presents information on recent mining industry statistics and related issues. It describes ABS work in this area, and advises on recent and forthcoming publications. ABS BUDGET OUTCOMES - CHANGES TO THE WORK PROGRAM 09/10 AND BEYOND At the end of 2008, the Department of Finance and Deregulation, the Treasury and the ABS, undertook a review of the ABS's base funding in response to the reductions made in the ABS Work Program in 2008-09 to remain within our appropriation and the projected deficits the ABS was facing in the out-years. As a result of the review, the Government has announced in the Federal Budget that the ABS will receive an additional $15 million annually in Government appropriation. For further information please refer to this link. ABS RELEASE INFORMATION The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides the expected release details for all statistical products due for publication in the coming six months. The web page 'Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months' is revised on the ABS website at the beginning of each month. This six-month forecasting is intended to keep clients informed about products and when they will become available. All ABS core statistical and other statistical publications that usually have a catalogue number will be detailed as well as prominent non-statistical publications such as the ABS Annual Report and Australian Statistics Advisory Council Annual Report. Access 'Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months' from the ABS Home page via 'Future Releases' or use this link. Information on all ABS product releases can also be accessed from ABS Release Advice. This web page also provides links to Previous Releases, Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months and Main Economic Indicator Releases. QUEENSLAND THEME PAGE This page provides access to Queensland statistical information including statistical releases and links to non-ABS sources. A wide range of economic and social statistics is covered. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.