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General Social Survey: WA Summary There are many, often interrelated, aspects of life important to human wellbeing such as good health, good family relationships and engagement with wider social networks, freedom from financial stress, feeling safe and secure and having access to suitable transport and information technology. In 2006, the ABS conducted its second General Social Survey (GSS) (first in 2002), a multi-dimensional survey that provides valuable information on all these aspects of life for Australian adults (persons aged 18 years and over). This article summarises the results from the 2006 GSS for the Western Australian adult population, making comparisons between people of different age groups and household compositions. The article also identifies where there have been changes in circumstances from the 2002 GSS for people living in Western Australia. These include: households experiencing less financial difficulties; a higher proportion of people reporting their health to be excellent or very good; an increase in the incidence of people reporting one or more personal stressors; a slightly higher proportion of people reporting they have been the victim of crime; and lower levels of participation in sport and physical recreation activities. Changing water and energy use in Perth homes Domestic water and energy use has been the focus of much attention in recent times. Concerns have heightened over Perth's available water supply and the use of high energy consuming appliances. With the economy growing rapidly, Western Australia's population and housing requirements have increased substantially, placing considerable pressure on the state's water and energy resources. As a result, the Western Australian Government has implemented strategies, such as rebate schemes and education campaigns, to help reduce the excessive use of water and energy in Perth homes. A survey of Domestic Use of Water and Energy in Western Australia was recently conducted by the ABS, based on topics proposed by the Water Corporation and Office of Energy. Results showed that over the last fifteen years, Perth households have embraced a number of new technologies, including appliances that have reduced water use in their homes, although they have increased their reliance on high energy using devices, such as air conditioners. For example, between 1992 and 2006, the proportion of Perth households using dual flush toilets rose from 36% to 84%; water efficient shower head use rose from 21% to 51%; front loading washing machine use rose from 7% to 25%; and air conditioner use rose from 40% to 74%. This article analyses data from the Survey of Domestic Use of Water and Energy, Western Australia, October 2006 (cat. no. 4652.5) and compares the results with those from past ABS surveys on water and energy use. It examines whether water and energy using behaviours and perceptions have changed over time in Perth homes. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.