Today's Release Advice | Main Economic Indicator Releases |
Catalogue | Title | Electronic Services |
No. |  | (A AUSSTATS |
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Friday 28 April 2000 |  |  |
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1350.0 | Australian Economic Indicators, May 2000 ($30.00) |  |
New Issue
4158.0 | Directory of Child and Family Statistics, 2000 ($30.00) |  |
6203.0 | Labour Force, Australia, March 2000 ($22.00) | S |
6401.0 | Consumer Price Index, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($17.50) | A, S |
6201.1 | Labour Force, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, February 2000 ($21.00) |  |
1304.3 | Monthly Summary of Statistics, Queensland, May 2000 ($17.50) |  |
1305.5 | Monthly Summary of Statistics, Western Australia, April 2000 ($17.50) |  |
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Thursday 27 April 2000 |  |
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1353.0 | Integrated Regional Data Base (IRDB), Australia, 2000, CD-ROM |  |
Final Issue
1361.0.30.001 | Statistical Concepts Library, 2000, CD-ROM ($50.00) |  |
New Issue
4710.0 | Housing and Infrastructure in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, Australia, 1999 ($24.00) |  |
Final Issue
6272.0 | Participation in Education, Australia, September 1999 ($18.50) |  |
6301.0 | Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Preliminary, February 2000 ($15.00) | A |
6541.0.15.001 | Income and Housing Costs Survey, Australia: Confidentialised Unit Record File on Floppy Disk, 1997-98, Floppy disk (Dos) ($7,500.00) |  |
1303.8 | Australian Capital Territory Business Indicators, April 2000 ($15.50) |  |
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Wednesday 26 April 2000 |  |
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New Issue
1358.0 | Information Paper: ABS Statistics and The New Tax System, 2000 ($10.00) |  |
5635.0.40.001 | Cash Management Trusts, Australia: Data Report, March 2000, Data-report hardcopy ($40.00) | A |
5647.0 | Monthly Statistics for Corporations Registered under the Financial Corporations Act, February 2000, Service | A |
6541.0.30.001 | Income and Housing Costs Survey, Australia: Confidentialised Unit Record File on CD-ROM, 1997-98, CD-ROM ($7,500.00) |  |
8111.0 | Research and Experimental Development, Higher Education Organisations, Australia, 1998 ($17.00) |  |
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Tuesday 25 April 2000 | . |  |
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Monday 24 April 2000 |  |
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Friday 21 April 2000 |  |
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Thursday 20 April 2000 |  |
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6248.0 | Wage and Salary Earners, Australia, December Quarter 1999 ($18.00) | A |
6321.0 | Industrial Disputes, Australia, January 2000 ($15.50) | A |
6405.0 | Export Price Index, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) | A |
6407.0 | Price Index of Materials Used in Building Other Than House Building, Six State Capital Cities, March Quarter 2000 ($16.50) | A |
6408.0 | Price Index of Materials Used in House Building, Six State Capital Cities, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) | A |
6412.0 | Price Indexes of Articles Produced by Manufacturing Industry, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) | A |
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Wednesday 19 April 2000 |  |
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1364.0.15.001 | Treasury Model of the Australian Economy - TSP Version, December Quarter 1999, Floppy disk (DOS) ($925.00) |  |
1364.0.15.003 | Modellers' Database, December Quarter 1999, Floppy disk (DOS) ($150.00) | A |
6410.0 | Price Indexes of Copper Materials, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) | A |
6411.0 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in Manufacturing Industries, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.50) | A |
6414.0 | Import Price Index, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($16.00) | A |
6415.0 | Price Indexes of Materials Used in Coal Mining, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) |  |
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Tuesday 18 April 2000 |  |
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4103.0 | Population Survey Monitor, February 2000 ($16.00) |  |
5439.0 | International Merchandise Imports, Australia, March 2000 ($15.00) | A |
New Issue
5439.0.65.001 | International Merchandise Imports, Australia - On AUSSTATS, March 2000, Other media | A |
New Issue
6423.0 | Producer Price Indexes for Selected Service Industries, Australia, March Quarter 2000 ($15.50) | A |
1303.2 | Monthly Summary of Statistics, Victoria, March 2000 ($16.00) |  |
6410.5 | Price Index of Western Australian Produced Hardwoods, March Quarter 2000 ($15.00) |  |
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Monday 17 April 2000 |  |
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3315.0 | Occasional Paper: Mortality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 1997 ($22.00) |  |
3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, February 2000 ($16.50) | A |
6104.0 | Labour Statistics in Brief, Australia, 2000, Brochure ($1.10) |  |
8752.0 | Building Activity, Australia, December Quarter 1999 ($18.50) | A |
1307.1 | Economic Indicators, New South Wales, April 2000 ($16.00) |  |
New Issue
4516.1 | Home Security Precautions, New South Wales, October 1999 ($16.00) |  |
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Friday 14 April 2000 |  |  |
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5506.0 | Taxation Revenue, Australia, 1998-99 ($15.50) |  |
8762.0 | Engineering Construction Activity, Australia, December Quarter 1999 ($19.50) | A |
9303.0.40.003 | New Motor Vehicle Registrations, Australia, February 2000, Data-report hardcopy ($40.00) | A |
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Thursday 13 April 2000 |  |
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4221.0 | Schools, Australia, 1999 ($24.00) |  |
6291.0.40.001 | Labour Force, Selected Summary Tables, Australia, March 2000, Data-report hardcopy ($40.00) | A |
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Wednesday 12 April 2000 |  |
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Tuesday 11 April 2000 |  |
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5671.0 | Lending Finance, Australia, February 2000 ($15.50) | A |
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Monday 10 April 2000 |  |
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1303.6 | Tasmanian Statistical Indicators, April 2000 ($18.00) |  |
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Friday 7 April 2000 |  |  |
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1102.0 | Publications and Products Released in March 2000 ($1.10) |  |
5609.0 | Housing Finance for Owner Occupation, Australia, February 2000 ($16.00) | A |
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Thursday 6 April 2000 |  |
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6202.0 | Labour Force, Australia, Preliminary, March 2000 ($18.00) | A, S |
6202.0.40.001 | Labour Force, Teenage Employment and Unemployment, Australia, Preliminary - Data Report, March 2000, Data-report hardcopy ($40.00) |  |
6271.0 | Labour Force, Australia - Preliminary Data on Floppy Disk, March 2000, Floppy disk (Dos) ($40.00) |  |
8731.1 | Building Approvals, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, February 2000 ($18.00) |  |
8731.2 | Building Approvals, Victoria, February 2000 ($17.50) |  |
8731.3 | Building Approvals, Queensland, February 2000 ($17.00) |  |
8731.5 | Building Approvals, Western Australia, February 2000 ($17.00) |  |
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Wednesday 5 April 2000 |  |
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7218.0 | Livestock and Meat, Australia, February 2000 ($15.00) | A |
6202.2 | Labour Force, Victoria, February 2000 ($18.50) |  |
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Tuesday 4 April 2000 |  |
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5654.0 | Average Monthly Exchange Rates, March 2000, Data-report hardcopy ($40.00) | A |
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Monday 3 April 2000 |  |
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New Issue
1404.0.55.001 | ABS@ - Key Client Intranet, 2000, Electronic delivery |  |
5501.0 | Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 1999-00 ($24.00) |  |
8504.0 | Sales of Australian Wine and Brandy by Winemakers, February 2000 ($15.00) | A |
8731.0 | Building Approvals, Australia, February 2000 ($18.00) | A |
1307.4 | South Australian Economic Indicators, April 2000 ($17.00) |  |
8731.4 | Building Approvals, South Australia, February 2000 ($17.00) |  |
8731.7 | Building Approvals, Northern Territory, February 2000 ($16.00) |  |
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New Issues
ABS@ - Key Client Intranet, 2000 (1404.0.55.001), Electronic delivery is expected to be released on Monday 3 April 2000.
The Key Client Intranet is a Lotus Notes Database placed in the client environment and updated daily through Notes replication. It is available to key clients such as other government or private organisations, and will enable them to access the most up to date releases of publications and other relevant information such as the associated metadata, PC-AusStats data files and collection metadata on their existing intranet.
Home Security Precautions, New South Wales, October 1999 (4516.1) ($16.00) is expected to be released on Monday 17 April 2000.
Contains data for households in New South Wales on the extent of, and motivation for, usage of security precautions by households. For all households in NSW, includes data on presence of household security items, whether items are used, motivations for installing items and estimated expenditure on household security over twelve months.
International Merchandise Imports, Australia -- On AUSSTATS, March 2000 (5439.0.65.001), Other media is expected to be released on Tuesday 18 April 2000.
Contains information on the value of monthly merchandise imports classified by commodity, going back to January 1988. Also includes data classified by State, selected countries and 2 digit SITC.
Producer Price Indexes for Selected Service Industries, Australia, March Quarter 2000 (6423.0) ($15.50) is expected to be released on Tuesday 18 April 2000.
Presents producer price indexes for the output of a selection of transport and storage, and property and business services industries. These series are the release of indexes compiled under a long-term development program which will progressively expand coverage of the services sector of the economy.
Information Paper: ABS Statistics and The New Tax System, 2000 (1358.0) ($10.00) is expected to be released on Wednesday 26 April 2000.
Discusses impacts on statistical series resulting from The New Tax System that starts on 1 July 2000.
Housing and Infrastructure in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, Australia, 1999 (4710.0) ($24.00) is expected to be released on Thursday 27 April 2000.
Provides information from the national Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey conducted between August to October, 1999. The publication presents summary information from all known Indigenous organisations that own or manage community housing including the condition and size of community houses, repairs and maintenance expenditure, and amount of rent collected. It contains summary information on the infrastructure of all discrete Indigenous communities such as water, electricity, sewerage, drainage, solid waste, transport, communication, education, health, and community facilities. Also includes information at the National and State levels (including Northern Territory) as well as maps showing the distribution of Indigenous housing organisations and discrete communities across Australia.
Directory of Child and Family Statistics, 2000 (4158.0) ($30.00) is expected to be released on Friday 28 April 2000.
Relates directly or indirectly to families and children in Australia. Provides descriptive information on various data sources, data items available, frequency of collections, publications produced and any reliability/confidentiality provisions.
Final Issues
Statistical Concepts Library, 2000 (1361.0.30.001), CD-ROM ($50.00) is expected to be released on Thursday 27 April 2000.
Participation in Education, Australia, September 1999 (6272.0) ($18.50) is expected to be released on Thursday 27 April 2000.
Similar data is available from the annual survey of Transition from Education to Work, Australia, 6227.0, run in May and released in the latter stages of each year.
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INTERNET | www.abs.gov.au the ABS web site is the best place to start for access to summary data from our latest publications, information about the ABS, advice about upcoming releases, our catalogue, and Australia Now - a statistical profile. |
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LIBRARY | A range of ABS publications is available from public and tertiary libraries Australia–wide. Contact your nearest library to determine whether it has the ABS statistics you require, or visit our web site for a list of libraries. |
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CPI INFOLINE | For current and historical Consumer Price Index data, call 1902 981 074 (call cost 75c per minute). |
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DIAL-A-STATISTIC | For the latest figures for National Accounts, Balance of Payments, Labour Force, Average Weekly Earnings, Estimated Resident Population and the Consumer Price Index call 1900 986 400 (call cost 75c per minute). |
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 | Data which have been published and can be provided within five minutes are free of charge. Our information consultants can also help you to access the full range of ABS information - ABS user pays services can be tailored to your needs, time frame and budget. Publications may be purchased. Specialists are on hand to help you with analytical or methodological advice. |
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PHONE | 1300 135 070 |  |  |
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EMAIL | client.services@abs.gov.au |  |  |
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FAX | 1300 135 211 |  |  |
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POST | Client Services, ABS, GPO Box 796, Sydney 1041 |
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 | ABS subscription services provide regular, convenient and prompt deliveries of ABS publications and products as they are released. Email
delivery of monthly and quarterly publications is available. |
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PHONE | 1300 366 323 |  |  |
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EMAIL | subscriptions@abs.gov.au |  |  |
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FAX | 03 9615 7848 |
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POST | Subscription Services, ABS, GPO Box 2796Y, Melbourne 3001 |