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WHAT ARE THE MAIN MEASUREMENT ISSUES? A migrant is 'any person who changes his or her country of usual residence' (United Nations 1998). The country of usual residence is the country in which a person lives, that is to say, the country in which they have a place to live where they normally spend the daily period of rest. A long-term international migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of their usual residence for a period of at least a year (12 months), so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence. It is important to explicitly set out what is meant by the term 'migrant' and understand how it relates to the collection and disaggregation of information for the population. It is important to choose a definition which is suitable to the question of interest and which allows appropriate comparability of data. For example there might be interest in measuring:
Migrants are a highly diverse group. Depending on the purpose and area of interest, a range of characteristics of migrants should be considered when measuring the wellbeing of migrants, including information on:
There can be incomplete coverage of the migrant population in survey data or administrative records used to produce statistics due to factors such as:
USEFUL RESOURCES Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2015, We must harness the true strength of migration - This article examines the strengths of migrants in modern society. Office for National Statistics, UK, Conceptual Framework for Population and Migrant statistics - The conceptual framework for UK population and migration statistics has been developed as part of Phase 2 of the migration statistics improvement programme. The purpose of the framework is to facilitate communication between users and providers of population and migration statistics. It is designed to promote understanding of the concepts, data sources and processes that together shape population and migration statistics outputs, and how these fit with the uses to which they are put. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015, Migration, Australia, 2013-14 (cat. no. 3412.0) - This publication brings together statistics on international migration into and out of Australia, interstate migration within Australia and information on overseas-born residents of Australia. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013, Perspectives on Migrants, Mar 2013 (cat. no. 3416.0) - This publication examines the family characteristics of migrant families using data from the Family Characteristics Survey 2009-10. Of particular interest is how migrant families compare with non-migrant families. In addition, the discussion compares migrant family types, broadly defined in terms of country of birth and the year of arrival into Australia of the most recently arrived 'key member' of the family. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Guide to Migrant Statistical Sources, 2011 (Edition 2) (cat. no. 3414.0) - This publication provides a list of sources of data relating to migrants. These are both ABS sources and non-ABS sources. Australian Bureau of Statistics: Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity, 1999 (cat. no. 1289.0) - This publication provides the conceptual framework for measuring cultural and linguistic diversity in Australia. United Nations Statistical Division (2003) Ethnicity: A Review of Data Collection and Dissemination, Social and Housing Statistics Section Demographic and Social Statistics Branch - This publication provides an international context of how various countries measure attributes of ethnicity. Hugo, G. (2011) Economic, social and civic contributions of first and second generation humanitarian entrants, report prepared for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australian Government - This publication provides a comprehensive view at the various contributions made by humanitarian migrants over their life cycle. KEY TERMS Recent migrants Recent migrants are defined as people who were born overseas, arrived in the last 10 years and have permanent Australian resident status by holding a permanent visa or having gained Australian citizenship. Temporary entrants Temporary entrants are defined as people who were born overseas, who do not have permanent Australian resident status. Net interstate migration The difference between the number of persons who have changed their place of usual residence by moving into a given state or territory and the number who have changed their place of usual residence by moving out of that state or territory during a specified time period. This difference can be either positive or negative. Net overseas migration (NOM) Net overseas migration is the net gain or loss of population through immigration to Australia and emigration from Australia. Under the current ABS method for estimating final net overseas migration this term is based on a traveller's actual duration of stay or absence using the '12/16 month rule'. Preliminary NOM estimates are modelled on patterns of traveller behaviours observed in final NOM estimates for the same period one year earlier. NOM is:
REFERENCES Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), 2014, The Place of Migrants in Contemporary Australia: Summary Report, <> on 5 June 2015. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG), 2011 (cat. no. 1249.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1997, Language Variables, 1997 ( 1264.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups, 2011 (cat. no. 1266.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2011 (cat. no. 1267.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC),2011 (cat. no. 1269.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1999, Demographic Variables, 1999 (cat. no. 1285.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1999, Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity, 1999 (cat. no. 1289.0). Department of Immigration and Border Protection, (2015), The Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA). Accessed from <> on 10 June 2015. Bell, M. et al., 2002. 'Cross-national comparison of internal migration: issues and measures', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, vol 165, Part 3, pp. 435-464. Accessed from <> on 10 June 2015. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.