A number of local governments have also taken the initiative to develop indicators about the progress of their local communities. Most of these projects aim to provide residents with statistical information about their local community and how their neighbourhoods are performing against a number of well-being benchmarks. This is becoming a wide-spread approach for local governments. For example, in NSW local governments are required to report on the state of their communities through strategic plans that outline outcomes, objectives and ways to measure progress towards benchmarks.
It is impossible to represent all the work done of this type, but a few examples of these kinds of initiatives are listed here. For instance, Brisbane City Council’s ‘Living in Brisbane 2026’ presents the community’s long-term plan to tackle issues associated with population pressures, climate change and skill shortages. Hurstville City Council’s ‘Community strategic plan’ focuses on the four broad goals of social diversity, prosperity, sustainability and leadership.
Another example is that of Penrith City Council who are currently in the process of establishing a set of liveability indicators for their community. The aim is to measure liveability outcomes for particular areas of interest to the community. Penrith City Council is also leading a project to develop a nationally consistent indicator set with the support of the Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government (see Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government, 2012). Penrith also successfully put forward a motion to the June 2012 Local Government National Assembly to support investigation into a national community indicator framework for local government (see Australia Local Government Association, 2012). The ABS supports the aspiration for a nationally consistent approach to Local Government, particularly where this allows comparison with state and national indicator frameworks.
The Sydney City Council has also taken steps to develop a community indicator framework for the city, aiming to measure successful, integrated and resilient communities. Finally, Wyndham City Council made a submission to the MAP consultation detailing aspirations for the four MAP domains based on their understanding of their community’s concerns.
Living in Brisbane 2026 – vision themes
Society |  | Economy |  | Environment |  | Governance |
Friendly, safe city
Active, healthy city
Vibrant, creative city |  | Smart, prosperous city |  | Clean, green city
Well-designed, subtropical city
Accessible, connected city |  | Regional and world city |
Note: grouping into society, economy, environment and governance is to allow for comparisons with MAP only.
Hurstville City – Hurstville Community Strategic Plan
Society |  | Economy |  | Environment |  | Governance |
Social and cultural development
Creating a diverse, harmonious and inclusive city that provides a range of social, cultural, educational and leisure opportunities |  | Economic prosperity
Increasing Hurstville’s level of income and capital, and distributing this wealth to the community in the form of local facilities, services and jobs |  | Environmental sustainability
Protecting and improving the city’s natural and built environments and cultural assets for the health, wellbeing and benefit of current and future residents |  | Civic leadership
A highly effective, efficient and accountable organisation which engages with the community to provide responsive and relevant services |
Note: grouping into society, economy, environment and governance is to allow for comparisons with MAP only.
Penrith City Council – Liveability Indicators for Penrith City (proposed)*
Society |  | Economy |  | Environment |  | Governance |
Leisure and recreation
Mental health
Open spaces
Sense of place |  | Business diversity and health
Mobility |  | Air quality
Climate change and adaptation
Land Use
Waste and recycling
Waterways |  | Communication and influence
Ethical and equitable
Provision of services |
Note: grouping into society, economy, environment and governance is to allow for comparisons with MAP only.
* These areas are tentative, that is, they are yet to be finalised by Penrith City Council.
Sydney City Council – five policy domains
Society |  | Economy |  | Environment |  | Governance |
Healthy, safe and inclusive communities
Culturally rich and vibrant communities |  | Dynamic, resilient local economies |  | Sustainable built and natural environments |  | Democratic and engaged communities |
Note: grouping into society, economy, environment and governance is to allow for comparisons with MAP only.
Wyndham City Council
Society |  | Economy |  | Environment |  | Governance |
Education and training
Financial hardship
Families and communities
Transport |  | National wealth
National income
Productivity |  | Land
Human settlements
Estuaries and oceans
Contributions to international concerns |  | Human rights
Law and justice
Administration of government
Civic participation
Democratic process
Local government
Regulation of public and private institutions |
Note: grouping into society, economy, environment and governance is to allow for comparisons with MAP only.