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Services and infrastructure (quality and access) (health, employment, education, legal, government and non-government) Creativity and innovation Preparation for future change (population, climate, economic, etc) 6. Cohesion and diversity Australians aspire to a cohesive society that celebrates diversity Elements Attitudes to difference Cultural activity/participation Reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples Endangered cultural practices (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages) 7. Non-material aspects of life Australians aspire to a society that values non-material aspects of life – such as family, caring, culture, connection to the environment, and feelings about life – as much as material aspects of life Elements Subjective wellbeing (e.g. feelings of contentment, satisfaction, happiness, wellbeing, autonomy) Unpaid work, carers and the caring professions Leisure time (work/non-work balance) Culture and the arts Environment (connection to, impact on wellbeing) Spirituality ASPIRATIONS FOR ECONOMIC PROGRESS Australians aspire to an economy that provides individuals with opportunities and economic resources, and develops their capabilities, so they can maintain or increase their wellbeing.
1. Opportunities, resources and capabilities Australians aspire to an economy that provides individuals with opportunities and economic resources, and develops their capabilities, so they can maintain or increase their wellbeing Elements Employment (availability, quality) Education (including financial literacy) Housing (e.g. accessibility) Disposable income (adequacy) Availability of goods and services Capital markets (effectiveness, efficiency) Imports/exports (a globally open economy) Social wellbeing (as per Social progress aspirations) 2. Employment Australians aspire to an economy that provides high quality jobs Elements Workplace amenity Satisfaction/fulfilment (meaningful work) Match of capability and interest to job Autonomy Workloads and hours (manageable) Workplace flexibility (family friendly) Safety (e.g. physical, freedom from harassment/bullying/discrimination) Development opportunities Economic gain vs. cost of attending work (e.g. commute times, quality) Quality of skill supply to workforce Labour force participation Labour market flexibility 3. Resilience Australians aspire to an economy that is resilient and helps to mitigate risk and shocks: both personal and societal Elements – societal Macroeconomic stability Security of markets (job, housing) Infrastructure (efficiency, adequacy) Insurance (effectiveness, adequacy, Macroeconomic debt (manageability) World trade (international context) Resource management (climate change, population ageing, sustainability) Diversity of industry Elements – personal Job security Home ownership Savings (adequate) Personal insurance (income, home, health, affordability) Personal debt (manageable) 4. Sustainably Australians aspire to an economy that is sustainable – maintaining or increasing its ability to provide for future generations Elements – sustainability of: Societal wellbeing (future generations) Natural environment Import/export markets Disposable income and wealth Real value of wages/salaries Availability of goods Valuing/accounting for environmental resources (products valued across life cycle) 5. Productively and efficiently Australians aspire to an economy that is productive and efficient, minimising complexity Elements – efficiency of: Productivity Capital markets Workforce participation Import/export markets Disposable income (maintenance of) Real value of wages/salaries Elements – reduce complexity of: Financial services or systems Telecommunications services or systems Transport services or systems Other govt or private services or systems Welfare services or systems Aged care services or systems Legislation and regulations Tax system 6. Ethically and equitably Australians aspire to an economy that is ethical and equitable – distributing opportunity and resources to minimise disadvantage or exclusion Elements – Equitable Basic human needs met (food, shelter, health) Poverty and disadvantage (minimise) Employment opportunity/recompense (enhance) Educational opportunity (including financial literacy) (enhance) Distribution of opportunity, income, wealth (avoid socially corrosive distribution(e.g. regions, population groups, rich/poor) Safety net (effectiveness) Contribution of sectors (community, private, public) (appropriateness) Inter-generational equity (inter-generational disadvantage, social inclusion) Overall societal wellbeing (impact of disparity) Elements – Ethical Regulation and governance Standards (quality, safety) Influence of economic/financial pressure(individuals not pressured to behave counter to individual or societal wellbeing) 7. Through diversity and innovation Australians aspire to an economy that encourages diversity and innovation Elements – affective leverage of: Industry diversity Innovation Entrepreneurship Research and development Capital support Technology Imports/exports Elements – affective leverage of: Capital support Technology Imports/exports 8. International engagement Australians aspire to an economy that engages with and leads the rest of the world, balancing foreign and national investment, and contributing to global wellbeing Elements Balance of trade (exports/imports) Foreign aid (effectiveness, generosity) Migration (socially and economically sustainable) Global stability Economic reform (encouraged) Building of knowledge of other cultures (e.g. travel, language attainment) Foreign ownership (socially and economically beneficial) Building of competitiveness Leadership (promoting sustainable economic growth/development) ASPIRATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS Australians aspire to healthy natural and built environments, which they connect to, effectively care for, and sustain for future generations. Scope of the area of ‘Environment’ includes: Land Inland waters Oceans and estuaries Biodiversity Atmosphere Waste Built environments Kinds of environments covered: Natural, including:
1. Connection Australians aspire to greater awareness and valuing of, and connection to, the environment 2. Collaboration Australians aspire to greater collaboration on environmental issues and actions 3. Care and protection Australians aspire to protect and minimise damage to the environment 4. Health and restoration Australians aspire to a healthy environment, through restoration where needed 5. Sustainability Australians aspire to use environmental resources sustainably and provide for future generations 6. Global interaction Australians aspire to be responsible and leading global environmental citizens ASPIRATIONS FOR GOVERNANCE SOCIAL PROGRESS Australians aspire to a society where everyone is enabled to participate in decision making which affects their lives, and governance processes are trusted Working definitions: 1. Participation in decision-making Australians aspire to a society where everyone is enabled to participate in decision making which affects their lives 2. Equity and accountability Australians aspire to governance processes that are equitable, and institutions and entities that are accountable 3. Effectiveness Australians aspire to governance institutions and processes that are effective 4. Media Australians aspire to a media that is both free and accountable 5. Human rights Australians aspire to a society where human rights are understood and upheld 6. Resilience Australians aspire to governance institutions and processes that are stable but also adaptive and provide for future generations Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.