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In November 2011, the number of owner occupied housing commitments in NSW increased, in trend terms, rising by 1.9% from the previous month and 14.5% from November 2010.
The value of commitments (Owner occupation) rose by 1.0% in trend terms, from the previous month and 9.3% from November 2010. Of all the states and territories, NSW had the largest annual change, in trend terms, in the value of commitments (Owner occupation).
In seasonally adjusted terms, the number of commitments (Owner occupation) increased by 4.2% from October 2010, while the value of commitments (Owner occupation) increased by 3.6% over the same period.
Housing finance commitments are the monetary commitments made by significant lenders towards the construction or purchase of housing. This includes new commitments as well as the outstanding values of housing loan assets to individuals (owner-occupiers and investors) held by lenders at the end of each reference month. Significant lenders include Banks, Building Societies, Credit Unions, Life or General Insurance companies, Superannuation Funds and other financial institutions. Housing finance data are primarily collected via returns submitted to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). For more information about the collection of housing finance statistics, refer to the Explanatory Notes of Housing Finance, Australia (cat. no. 5609.0).
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