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CHAPTER 21.3. FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT Socio-demographic information State or territory of usual residence; sex; age; area of usual residence; region of usual residence; marital status; relationship in household; country of birth and year of arrival; and number of children in family aged under 15 years. Employment characteristics Full-time or part-time status; occupation of main job; industry of main job; hours actually worked; hours usually worked; form of employment; continuous duration with current employer/business; expected future duration with current employer/business; reason expected duration with current employer/business less than one year; whether earnings/income varied from one pay period to the next; whether usually works the same number of hours each week; whether usually required to be on call or stand-by; whether had any say in start and finish times; days and number of days usually worked each week; and whether worked weekdays and/or weekends. Employees Whether had paid leave entitlements; whether entitled to paid long service leave; whether entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave; whether employment had a set completion date/event; length of set employment completion date/event from the date of interview; whether worked on a fixed-term contract; whether expected contract to be renewed; and whether considered job to be casual. Independent Contractors Whether usually able to work on more than one active contract; whether had more than one contract for work in reference week; whether contract prevented doing similar work for multiple clients/employers; whether able to (sub)contract own work; main reason unable to (sub)contract own work; whether had authority over own working procedures; who had authority over own working procedures; number of employees; whether responsible for organising own workers' compensation; whether responsible for organising own liability insurance; and whether responsible for organising own superannuation contributions. 21.3.6 Data collected in the survey are compiled according to concepts and definitions outlined in Chapter 4 (Employment measures and classifications), and Chapter 16 (Other classifications used in labour statistics). SCOPE 21.3.7 The scope of this survey is restricted to employed persons aged 15 years and over. The standard scope restrictions for supplementary surveys outlined in the overview part of Chapter 21 (Labour Force Supplementary Surveys) also apply to this survey. DATA COMPARABILITY OVER TIME 21.3.8 In order to provide a high degree of consistency and comparability over time, changes to survey methods, concepts, data item definitions, the frequency of collection, and analysis methods are made as infrequently as possible. Changes to the scope and sample size of the survey mean that the standard errors for the survey differ over time. The change in scope had a small impact on estimates. Changes affecting the Labour Force Survey may also affect this survey. Such changes are outlined in Chapter 20. Labour Force Survey and are not repeated here. The main changes to the Forms of Employment Survey are outlined below. 1998 Survey conducted in August. Persons working for payment in kind excluded from survey. 2001 Survey moved to November. Labour hire module collected. Scope of survey restricted to persons aged 15-69 years. 2004 Scope of survey expanded to include all persons aged 15 years and over. People working for payment in kind included in the survey. Revised employment type classification implemented. Survey content reduced. 2006 In previous surveys, people who received both paid sick and paid holiday leave were not asked if they worked on a contract basis. In 2006, all employed people were asked if they worked on a contract basis. In previous surveys, only information on hours actually worked was collected. From 2006, information on both hours actually worked and hours usually worked were collected. Occupation data were classified according to the ANZSCO—Australian and New Zealand Classification of Occupations, First Edition, 2006 (cat. no. 1220.0). This classification replaced the ASCO—Australian Standard Classification of Occupations, Second Edition, 1997 (cat. no. 1220.0). Data classified according to the ASCO are available on request. Industry data were classified according to the ANZSIC—Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0). This classification replaced the ANZSIC—Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 1993 (cat. no. 1292.0). Data classified according to the ANZSIC 1993 are available on request. 2007 Only owner managers (both of incorporated and unincorporated enterprises) were asked if they worked on a contract basis, while employees (excluding owner managers of incorporated enterprises) were asked if they worked on a fixed-term contract. 2008 'Status in employment' and 'Employment type in main job' classifications used in previous surveys replaced with the 'Form of employment in main job' classification. Form of employment in main job divides employed people into three categories: Employees, Independent contractors and Other business operators. This resulted in a break in series for employees. Data classified according to 'Status in employment' and 'Employment type' are available on request. Owner managers (of incorporated enterprises and unincorporated enterprises) no longer asked if they worked on a contract basis. Instead, a series of screening questions have been asked of all employed people to identify independent contractors (for the 'Form of employment' classification). Three-yearly labour hire module collected. 2011 Three-yearly labour hire module collected. Additional information was also collected from persons who found their current job through a labour hire firm/employment agency. 2013 Data collected using on line self-completion for the first time (in addition to the previous telephone and face-to-face interviews). For more information, see the article in Labour Force, Australia, April 2013 (cat. no. 6202.0) Transition to Online Collection of the Labour Force Survey. This is the final issue of the Forms of Employment, Australia (cat. no. 6359.0) publication. FURTHER INFORMATION 21.3.9 For further details contact the Labour Market Statistics Section, on Canberra (02) 6252 7206 or email <>.