Offences by Region, Health, Safety
The NT Department of Justice publishes recorded offence data for the six major urban centres of Darwin, Palmerston, Nhulunbuy, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. These centres are equivalent to the Local Government Areas of Darwin (C), Palmerston (C), Katherine (T), Tennant Creek (T) and Alice Springs (T) and the Nhulunbuy Statistical Local Area in the 2001 Australian Standard Geographical Classification.
During the 12 months to 30 September 2009, offences against the person rose in Katherine (up 36% to 742), Alice Springs (up 28% to 1,481) and Palmerston (up 17% to 459), and fell in Nhulunbuy (down 25% to 122) and Tennant Creek (down 6% to 467). In Darwin offences against the person remained relatively steady (down 1% to 1,644). Over the same period, offences against property increased in Katherine (up 13% to 1,210), Nhulunbuy (up 10% to 353) and Alice Springs (up 7% to 3,986) and declined in Palmerston (down 15% to 2,563), Darwin (down 8% to 9,381) and Tennant Creek (down 2% to 621).
2008 to 2009(a)

HEALTH |  |  |
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Description of data available |  | Link to data |
Public hospital separations, NT, 2007–08 and 2008–09 |  | NT Department of Health and Families' Corporate Publications webpage (under Annual Report 2008–2009, Output Performance Reporting section, Acute Services) |
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SAFETY |  |  |
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Description of data available |  | Link to data |
Recorded crime, offenders, by selected states/territories, 2007–08 |  | Recorded Crime – Offenders, Selected states and territories, 2007–08 (cat. no. 4519.0) |
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Recorded crime, victims, by state/territory, 2008 |  | Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2008 (cat. no. 4510.0) |
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Criminal cases lodged and finalised, by state/territory, 2007–08 |  | Criminal Courts, Australia, 2007–08 (cat. no. 4513.0) |
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Prisoners characteristics, by state/territory, various years |  | Prisoners in Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 4517.0) |
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Corrective services, by state/territory, various quarters |  | Corrective Services, Australia, Sep 2009 (cat. no. 4512.0) |
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Offences statistics including offences recorded by police, drug infringement notices, finalised drug offences and finalised aggravated property offences, NT, various quarters |  | NT Department of Justice Research and Statistics webpage – refer to 'Latest Quarterly Crime and Justice Statistics' |
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Other prisoner statistics including adult prisoners, juvenile detainees and quarterly daily average adult prisoners, NT, various quarters |  | NT Department of Justice Research and Statistics webpage – refer to 'Latest Quarterly Crime and Justice Statistics' |
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Adult prisoners and juvenile detainees received during the year, by correctional centre, NT, various years |  | NT Department of Justice Research and Statistics webpage – refer to 'Correctional Services Annual Summary' |
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Road traffic accidents, serious injuries and fatalities by selected characteristics, NT, various quarters |  | NT Department of Lands and Planning Northern Territory Crash Statistics webpage – refer to quarterly statistics |