Northern Territory Population Growth, Population Estimates, Births and Deaths, Population Characteristics
The estimated resident population of the Northern Territory (NT) at 30 June 2008 was 219,800 people. During the five years to 30 June 2008 the NT had the third fastest growing population of all the states and territories after Queensland and Western Australia with an average annual growth rate of 1.9%. During 2007–08 the NT experienced its largest financial year increase in population since 1996–97 (up 2.3% or about 5,000 people).
During 2007–08 Darwin SD grew faster than Northern Territory - Bal SD with a growth rate of 2.8% compared to 1.7%. In 2008, as a result of the NT Government's Local Government Reform, eight new Local Government Areas (LGAs) (based on the new shires) and corresponding Statistical Local Areas for the NT were introduced into the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). Two of the five fastest growing LGAs during 2007–08 were within Darwin SD (Palmerston (C) up 5.5%, Litchfield (S) up 5.1%) and the remaining three were Central Desert (S) (up 2.2%), Roper Gulf (S) (up 2.1%), and Barkly (S) (up 2.0%).

Description of data available | Link to data |
Estimated Resident Population, by region, 2001 to 2008 (ASGC 2008) | Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2007–08 (cat. no. 3218.0) |
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Estimated Resident Population, by age, sex and region, 30 June 2003 and 30 June 2008 (ASGC 2008) | Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia, 2008 (cat. no. 3235.0) |
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Experimental estimates of the Indigenous population by age, sex and state/territory, 1986 to 2006 | Experimental Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 1991 to 2021 (cat. no. 3238.0) |
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Experimental projections of the Indigenous population, by state/territory, 2006 to 2021 | Experimental Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 1991 to 2021 (cat. no. 3238.0) |
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Description of data available | Link to data |
Births and deaths, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2003 to 2007 (ASGC 2007) | Births and Deaths by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2003 to 2007 |
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Births, by region, various years | Births, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3301.0) |
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Deaths, by region, various years | Deaths, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3302.0) |
Indigenous births and deaths, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2007 (ASGC 2007) | Indigenous Births and Deaths by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2007 |
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Indigenous births, by state/territory, 2007 | Births, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3301.0) |
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Deaths by Indigenous status, by state/territory, 1991 to 2007 | Deaths, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3302.0) |
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Median age at death, by Indigenous status, selected states/territories, 1991 to 2007 | Deaths, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3302.0) |
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Infant mortality rates, by Indigenous status, selected states/territories, 1991 to 2007 | Deaths, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3302.0) |
Description of data available | Link to data |
Country of birth, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2006 | Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2008 Reissue (cat. no. 1362.7) |
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Language spoken at home, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2006 | Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2008 Reissue (cat. no. 1362.7) |
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Household composition, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2006 | Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2008 Reissue (cat. no. 1362.7) |
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Family type, by Statistical Subdivision, NT, 2006 | Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2008 Reissue (cat. no. 1362.7) |
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Number of motor vehicles, by occupied private dwellings, NT, 2006 | 2006 Census Tables (cat. no. 2068.0) |