8655.0 - Cafes, Restaurants and Catering Services, Australia, 2006-07 Quality Declaration
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/04/2008
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Industry value added by catering businesses was $1,833.1m, contributing the equivalent of 0.2% to Australia's gross domestic product for 2006-07. During 2006-07, operating profit before tax for these businesses was $208.1m and their an operating profit margin was 5.3%. SOURCES OF INCOME During 2006-07 catering businesses generated $3,970.7m in income. The graph below shows that the main source of income for catering businesses was takings from catering services, accounting for four-fifths (80.2% or $3,182.4m) of total income. Sales of liquor and other beverages accounted for 6.6% ($263.9m) of total income and other sales of goods 4.5% ($179.6m). EMPLOYMENT At the end of June 2007, there were 50,268 people employed by catering businesses. Catering businesses were characterised by a large casual work force, accounting for more than half (58.5% or 29,383 people) of all employment. Permanent full-time employees accounted for over a quarter (28.1% or 14,128 persons) of all employment, while permanent part-time employees accounted for 10.1% (5,078 people). Females accounted for just over half (58.9% or 29,596 people) of all employment. Most (61.1% of total female employment) worked as casuals. At the end of June 2007, the largest occupation was waiting staff (13,689 people or 27.2%). Collectively, qualified and other chefs/cooks accounted for 18.6% (9,344) of all people employed and kitchen hands 23.3% (11,727 people). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.