ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ANA | Australian National Accounts |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
APMI | Articles Produced by Manufacturing Industries |
BoP | Balance of Payments |
BoPBEC | Balance of Payments Broad Economic Categories |
BLS | US Bureau of Labor Statistics |
EU | European Union |
GDP | gross domestic product |
I–O | input–output |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IOIG | Input–Output Industry Group |
IOPC | Input–Output Product Classification |
ITPI | International Trade Price Indexes |
MUMI | Materials Used in Manufacturing Industries |
PPI | Producer Price Indexes |
RBA | Reserve Bank of Australia |
ROSC | Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes |
SDDS | Special Data Dissemination Standard |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
SNZ | Statistics New Zealand |
SOP | Stage of Production |
UN | United Nations |