6261.0.55.001 - Characteristics of Wage and Salary Earners in Regions of Australia, 2000-01  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 09/03/2004   
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Contains regional estimates for various characteristics of wage and salary earners, including age, sex, occupation and income for 2000-01. The statistics have been compiled from the Australian Taxation Office's Individual Income Tax Return Database and are part of the ABS' program to increase the range of regional data available to users of regional statistics, particularly through the use of administrative information from other government agencies.

Regional estimates are presented using the Remoteness Structure contained within the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Volume 1, 2001. The Remoteness Structure has been designed to provide an alternative geographic classification for the dissemination of statistics which enables comparison across five broad regions of Australia that are based on remoteness or distance from services. The five remoteness areas are Major Cities, Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote Australia and Very Remote Australia.