In 2003-04, there were 1,741 new dwellings approved in the Greater Hobart-Southern Region, an increase of 43.2% from 1,216 approvals in 2002-03. The increase over the period comprised:
- an increase in the number of new houses approved, up 29.6% from 1,150 approvals to 1,490 approvals
- an increase in the number of new other residential building approvals, up 243.1% from 58 approvals to 199 approvals.
NUMBER OF DWELLINGS APPROVED, Greater Hobart-Southern Region
 | New houses | New other residential building | Total dwellings(a) |
Local government area | no. | no. | no. |
2002-03 |
 | Brighton | 66 | - | 66 |
 | Central Highlands | 18 | - | 18 |
 | Clarence | 239 | 16 | 255 |
 | Derwent Valley | 12 | - | 12 |
 | Glamorgan/Spring Bay | 58 | - | 58 |
 | Glenorchy | 124 | 8 | 134 |
 | Hobart | 135 | 21 | 160 |
 | Huon Valley | 82 | - | 84 |
 | Kingborough | 297 | 11 | 308 |
 | Sorell | 83 | - | 83 |
 | Southern Midlands | 11 | 2 | 13 |
 | Tasman | 25 | - | 25 |
 | Total | 1,150 | 58 | 1,216 |
 | Tasmania | 1,964 | 164 | 2,145 |
2003-04 |
 | Brighton | 145 | 2 | 147 |
 | Central Highlands | 29 | - | 29 |
 | Clarence | 314 | 30 | 345 |
 | Derwent Valley | 35 | - | 36 |
 | Glamorgan/Spring Bay | 56 | - | 56 |
 | Glenorchy | 167 | 16 | 183 |
 | Hobart | 134 | 137 | 318 |
 | Huon Valley | 130 | - | 133 |
 | Kingborough | 302 | 6 | 308 |
 | Sorell | 140 | 8 | 148 |
 | Southern Midlands | 23 | - | 23 |
 | Tasman | 15 | - | 15 |
 | Total | 1,490 | 199 | 1,741 |
 | Tasmania | 2,687 | 387 | 3,141 |
- nil or rounded to zero
(a) Includes conversions and dwellings units approved as part of alterations and additions or the construction of non-residential buildings.
Source: Building Approvals, Australia, Statistical Local Areas, Tasmania (cat. no. 8731.0). |