This discussion paper incorporates valued perspectives about home and homelessness from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from engagement conducted in the NT, NSW and Qld during March to June 2013.
Consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on their views about the meanings of home and homelessness will continue during the second half of 2013. Interested parties can contact ABS using the contact details below to register their interest.
The findings from the consultation process will be used to inform on estimation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander homelessness, both in the Census of Population and Housing and ABS household surveys, including the development of a culturally appropriate survey module on previous experiences of homelessness in the 2014 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS).
Specifically, the ABS encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to express their views about:
- The meanings of home and homelessness and the information presented in this paper.
- The meaning of usual residence and how it relates to home.
- Aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture that may impact on measures of homelessness (especially those that may mask 'homelessness' or the need for additional accommodation).
Submissions and further consultation will be used to inform the content and recommendations included in an Information Paper to be released late in 2013 to provide an enhanced understanding of homelessness in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander context, leading to improvements in the estimation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander homeless population.
Submissions will be welcome until September 20th, 2013 and can be forwarded electronically or in hard copy using the contact details below.
Or by post to:
Locked Bag 10
Belconnen ACT 2616