The following table presents key environmental indicators for Tasmania and its three Statistical Region Sectors.
 |  | Unit(c) | Greater Hobart-Southern | Northern | Mersey-Lyell | Tasmania |
Total land area | km2 | 25,991 | 19,852 | 22,580 | 68,423 |
Population density(d) | no./km2 | 9.0 | 6.7 | 4.7 | 6.9 |
Total rateable land, 2003(e) | km2 | 11,570 | 11,590 | 5,714 | 28,874 |
 | Rateable land, residential, 2003 | km2 | 871 | 555 | 301 | 1,727 |
 | Rateable land, primary production, 2003 | km2 | 9,109 | 10,159 | 4,941 | 24,210 |
Population per rateable residential area, 2003(d)(e) | no./km2 | 267 | 241 | 353 | 274 |
Area of agricultural holding, 2001(f)(g) | km2 | 7,422 | 8,408 | 3,237 | 19,068 |
 | Gross value of agricultural production per area of agricultural holding(h) | $'000/km2 | 21 | 33 | 97 | 40 |
National parks, May 2003 | km2 | 7,787 | 1,382 | 5,166 | 14,335 |
State forest, May 2003(i)(j) | km2 | 4,072 | 4,436 | 4,640 | 13,148 |
(a) Regions referred to in this table are Statistical Region Sectors and are part of the Statistical Region Structure outlined in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2001 (cat. no. 1216.0)
(b) Due to rounding, sums of components may differ from totals.
(c) One square kilometre (km2) equals 100 hectares.
(d) Population as at 30 June 2002.
(e) Rateable properties only as at May.
(f) Year ended 30 June.
(g) Includes units with an Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations (EVAO) of $5,000 or more.
(h) Production data for 2000-01 financial year.
(i) Excludes forest reserves.
(j) Land tenure data in this table may differ from data in other tables because of the date it was accessed: the constant refinement of Geographic Information System (GIS) processes results in frequent, minor changes to land tenure data. |
Source: see relevant section of Regional Statistics - Tasmania.