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COLLECTIONS WITH DISABILITY MEASURES Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers 2015 Purpose of the collection The purpose of the collection was to provide prevalence rates of different severity levels of disability for Australia, the underlying conditions and causes of disability, the needs of old people for assistance and extent to which need is met with different activities. It was also designed to provide characteristics of carers and the effect of the caring role on their lives, and information on the conditions and disabilities of people living in non-private dwellings. Previous collections 1981, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2009, 2012 Output categories Profound core-activity limitation Disability identification questions 166 Sample Size Household component: - 63,515 persons Geographic outputs Australia, States and Territories (excludes discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities which are mostly in very remote areas) Age scope All ages Dwelling scope The scope of the 2015 SDAC was narrower than previous surveys which also enumerated: § people living in hotels, motels and short term caravan parks § people living in religious and educational institutions § people living in hostels for the homeless or night shelters § people living in staff quarters, guest houses, boarding houses or other long-term accommodation. The reduction in scope, which represents less than 1% of total Australian population, was found to have little to no impact on the accuracy and data quality for key data items. Number of people selected per household Household component - all usual residents of private and non-private dwellings Collection methodology Household component:
- details collected via personal interview - self enumerated form for identified primary carers Where possible, a personal interview was conducted with people identified in the above populations. Proxy interviews were conducted for:
§ those aged 15 to 17 years whose parent or guardian did not consent to them being personally interviewed § those incapable of answering for themselves due to illness, impairment, injury or language problems. - questionnaires completed by a staff member for each selected occupant and mailed back Response rate Fully responding households (private dwellings) - 80% What's special about the survey? Large sample (75,211 people) provides precise disability national prevalence data. Comparability with other disability measures Can be compared with all other surveys – is the benchmark for all other ABS disability measures. 2014 General Social Survey (GSS) Purpose of collection The survey was designed to enable the analysis of inter-relationships between social circumstances and outcomes on a State/Territory basis. Previous collections with disability measures 2002, 2006, 2010 Output categories for disability status Has profound core-activity limitation Short Disability Module used? Yes Disability identification questions 14 Sample size 12,932 persons Australia, States and Territories (excludes Very Remote Areas) Age scope 15 years and above Dwelling scope Private dwellings only Number of people selected per household One usual resident Collection Methodology A responsible adult provided basic demographic details, details of relationships and household information Response rate 80.1% What's special about the survey? Sample allocation designed to provide reliable State/ Territory estimates Comparability with other disability measures GSS is used to make comparison with Indigenous surveys to calculate differences between Indigenous and non-Indigenous. 2013-14 Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) Purpose of collection The survey was designed to provide detailed estimates of household income and wealth collected from individual households. The SIH estimates are used to analyse the distribution of economic resources across the population and to compare the financial resources available to various population subgroups. Previous collections with disability measures The SIH is conducted biennially and enumerated over a 12 month period Output categories for disability status Has profound core-activity limitation Short Disability Module used? Yes Disability identification questions 14 Sample size 27,339 persons Collected information by personal interview from usual residents of private dwellings in urban and rural areas of Australia (excluding Very Remote areas). Age scope 15 years and above Dwelling scope Private dwellings only Number of people selected per household All usual residents aged 15 and over. Collection Methodology A responsible adult provided basic demographic details, details of relationships and household information Response rate 78.0% Sample allocation designed to provide reliable national and State/ Territory estimates. The results are comparable with other surveys using the short disability module. Purpose of collection The survey was designed to collect a range of information about the health of Australians, including: § prevalence of long-term health conditions; § health risk factors such as smoking, overweight and obesity, alcohol consumption and exercise; § use of health services such as consultations with health practitioners and actions people have recently taken for their health; and § demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Previous collections with disability measures 2007-08, 2011-12 Output categories for disability status Has profound core-activity limitation Short Disability Module used? Yes Disability identification questions 14 Sample size 19, 259 persons Geographic outputs Collected information by personal interview from usual residents of private dwellings in urban and rural areas of Australia (excluding Very Remote areas). Age scope All ages Dwelling scope Private dwellings only Number of people selected per household Information was obtained about one adult and one child aged 0-17 years in each selected household. Collection Methodology A responsible adult provided basic demographic details, details of relationships and household information. Response rate 82.0% The National Health Survey offers insight into health risk factors. Of particular interest to disability are variables that allow for the examination of people's access to health services. Can be compared with all other surveys. Not useful for comparing disability data between Indigenous and non-Indigenous population because of Very Remote Area exclusion but is usually compared to NATSIHS in the same way that GSS is compared to NATSISS. 2005 Output categories for disability status Has profound core-activity limitation Short Disability Module? Yes Disability identification questions 14 Sample size 13,307 women and 3,743 men completed the survey nationally. Geographic outputs Collected information by personal interview from usual residents of private dwellings in urban and rural areas of Australia (excluding Very Remote areas). Age scope Persons aged 18 years and over in private dwellings across Australia. Interviews were conducted with one randomly selected person aged 18 years or over who was a usual resident of the selected household. Dwelling scope Private dwellings only Number of people selected per household One usual resident aged 18 years or over. Collection Methodology A responsible adult provided basic demographic details, details of relationships and household information. Response rate 57.0% While the 2012 PSS was conducted under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905, participation in the survey was not compulsory. The ABS sought the willing cooperation of households in the survey. Can be compared with all other surveys, noting that people who could not be interviewed personally (such as those with a communication impairment) were excluded from the survey. 2006, 2011 Output categories for disability status Has need for assistance with core activities Disability identification questions 4 Geographic outputs All Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC) areas Age scope All people Dwelling scope All dwellings Number of people selected per household All people Collection Methodology Self-enumerated forms in most areas; special forms used in remote Indigenous communities. Non-response rate 7.0% did not respond to the need for assistance questions. The Census is the only reliable source of information about small areas and about small populations groups. It provides data about the Very Remote Areas not available from the social surveys. The Census used a short question set which does not attempt to identify disability but rather the people who are affected by disability to the degree that they need assistance. The need for assistance measure was designed to be comparable to the profound or severe core-activity limitation measure available from the SDAC and social surveys using the Short Disability Module. Short question sets typically identify fewer people in the population of interest (in this case, people with a need for assistance) than longer question sets (used by the social surveys).
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