This document was added or updated on 06/11/2015.
22/02/2018 A comment `not recommended for use due to coding issues' was added to data item `Number of times saw doctor or other health care professional about feelings in last 4 weeks' in the TableBuilder, Basic CURF and Expanded CURF Data Item Lists.
13/12/2017 The 1995 NNS-ADG database was added to the Downloads tab along with updates to the ‘Comparison to the NNS 1995’ chapter.
19/07/2016 The Australian Health Survey Data Item List was updated to include Australian Dietary Guidelines food group items.
11/07/2016 The release schedule was updated to include the most recent nutrition releases. The chapter Comparison with Dietary Guidelines content was updated to reflect most recent approach to comparisons against the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
06/11/2015 The release schedule was updated to include microdata releases.
06/03/2015 The 'Usual Nutrient Intakes' page was updated, including the addition of the following sub-pages: 'Model Implementation: Data used and model specification', 'Reporting Against Nutrient Reference Values', 'Validation and Error Estimation', 'Summary Tables', and 'Beaton’s Full Probability Method for Iron'. Additional minor updates have occurred to the data item list and some pages to include links to and information on the Usual Nutrient Intakes release, as well as some small text corrections and updated weblinks.
25/06/2014 A number of label and range corrections made to the cut off points table on the Albumin/Creatinine ratio (ACR) topic page.
12/05/2014 Data item list was replaced to include currently available Nutrition data items. Additional minor updates to pages to include links to the recently added Nutrition chapter and information on the Nutrition publication release.
09/05/2014 New chapter 'Nutrition' added. This chapter contains information on 24-hour dietary recall, food intake, discretionary foods, nutrient intake, usual nutrient intakes, food and measure coding and quality assurance.
16/04/2014 Data item list was replaced and glossary updated to include currently available vitamin D and comorbidity data items. Additional minor updates to pages to include links to the 'Biomedical Measures' chapter and minor corrections updated in the 'Iron Biomarkers' and 'Adult Physical Activity' topic pages.
15/04/2014 New topic pages on 'Biomedical Measures' were added.
13/12/2013 Data item list was replaced to include currently available nutrient Biomedical data items. Additional minor updates to pages to include links to the recently added Biomedical Measures chapter and information on the Biomedical - Nutrient publication release.
11/12/2013 New chapter 'Biomedical Measures' added. This chapter describes the methodology for collecting information on chronic disease and nutrient biomarkers as part of the NHMS. In addition, the referral form and adult and child Information Sheets used as part of the biomedical collection have been added to the Downloads page.
05/08/2013 Data item list was replaced to include currently available Biomedical data items. Glossary and Abbreviations pages were updated with Biomedical content and also reduced in content. Additional minor updates to pages to include links and information on the Physical activity and Biomedical - Chronic Disease publication releases.
19/07/2013 New topic pages on pedometer steps and physical activity and sedentary behaviour were added. The previous NHS-specific exercise page was removed.
19/06/2013 New topic pages on 'Financial Stress', 'Food Security', 'Long-term Conditions (other)' were added. The Appendix 6: Classification of Adult Physical Activity and Appendix 7: Classification of Child Physical Activity were added to the Explanatory notes page. The NNPAS and AHS (Core) Questionnaires, AHS Measurements card, NNPAS Pedometer Daily Activity Record Sheet and the current AHS Data item list were added to the Downloads page.
07/06/2013 In order to add new information which relates to the NNPAS and the Core, a review of all chapters, with the exception of 'Health related actions', was undertaken and updates applied where required.
05/04/2013 Minor amendments were made to the following webpages: Structure of the Australian Health Survey, Release schedule, Geographic classifications, Product availability, Glossary, Technical Note, Appendix 3: ABS Standard Classifications and Appendix 5: Income deciles.
26/03/2013 New chapter 'Health related actions' added. This chapter describes methodology for collecting information on use of health services, health-related actions taken by people with specific long-term health conditions, private health insurance and breastfeeding.