Tasmania's National Parks are an attraction for Tasmanians and visitors from interstate and overseas, who engage in a number of recreational activities such as bushwalking, boating, skiing, camping and rafting.
In 2002-03, Cradle Mountain (Lake Dove) had the most visits (209,000), a 17.0% increase on the previous year. Another popular National Park was Freycinet, which 193,700 people visited.
 | Cradle Mountain(b) (Lake Dove) | Lake St Clair(b) (Cynthia Bay) | Mt Field(c) | Freycinet(c) | Narawntapu(d) (Bakers Beach) | Mole Creek Karst(e) (Marakoopa Cave) | Maria Island (Darlington) |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
1999-2000 | 182,100 | 111,600 | 130,700 | 186,800 | 33,500 | 29,460 | 13,213 |
2000-01 | 168,700 | 111,800 | 138,700 | 163,600 | 34,300 | 26,788 | 12,820 |
2001-02 | 178,600 | 107,800 | 105,000 | 167,800 | 35,800 | 26,103 | 12,598 |
2002-03 | 209,000 | 134,500 | 116,400 | 193,700 | 38,900 | 28,648 | 13,337 |
(a) For all parks except Narawntapu, the unit of measurement is a person visit. A 'person visit' occurs when a person enters a National Park for purposes of heritage or nature appreciation, or recreation. Repeat entries are not included. Measurement occurs at the designated sites in brackets. Data are as at 11 May 2004.
(b) Estimated through a combination of traffic and visitor centre counts.
(c) Estimated through traffic and visitor centre counts and survey findings.
(d) Measured as a person entry, which occurs whenever a visitor enters a site, from a combination of traffic and visitor centre counts.
(e) Number of people taken on a guided tour.
Source: Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service Division of the Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts. |
Throughout Tasmania, there are over 1,000 kilometres of established tracks and routes ranging from easy family walks of up to several hours duration to more demanding walks taking days, even weeks, in duration.
In 2002-03, of the main walking tracks for which walker registration statistics are collected, most registrations were recorded for the Overland Track, 8,154. The Overland Track runs for about 80 kilometres through the heart of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
 | Overland(b | South Coast(c) | Freycinet(d) | Port Davey(c) | Frenchmans Cap |
|  |  |  |  |  |
 | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
1999-2000 | 7,240 | 1,011 | 2,784 | 272 | 807 |
2000-01 | 7,273 | 915 | 3,002 | 208 | 753 |
2001-02 | 7, 537 | 1,099 | 3,512 | 229 | 644 |
2002-03 | 8, 154 | 970 | 3,143 | 167 | 826 |
(a) Numbers include only walkers who registered and represented their intention. Data are as at 11 May 2004.
(b) Sum of registrations at Cradle Mt and Lake St Clair.
(c) Sum of registrations to walk the length of the track in any direction, irrespective of starting point.
(d) All overnight walkers registered in the park.
Source: Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service Division of the Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts. |
The latest statistics for visitor entries and walker registrations in Tasmania's National Parks are available from the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service web site, under Visitor Statistics.