Community Support Services assist persons with a disability to live in a non-institutional setting. Some 56.8% of all disability service users used Community Support Services.
Community Access provides opportunities for people to enjoy their full potential for social independence. Some 39.0% of disability service users used Community Access.
Accommodation Support Services, which provide the support needed to enable a person with a disability to remain in their existing accommodation, were used by 27.9% of disability service users. Respite Services, which provide short term breaks for families and other voluntary caregivers of people with disabilities, were used by 6.2% of disability service users.
UTILISATION OF DISABILITY SERVICES, Tasmanian regions(a)(b) - 2003-04 |
 | Greater Hobart-Southern | Northern | Mersey-Lyell | Tasmania |
Service Group |
Accommodation support | 481 | 334 | 262 | 1,069 |
Community support | 913 | 1,062 | 237 | 2,173 |
Community access | 767 | 487 | 254 | 1,493 |
Respite | 111 | 80 | 47 | 238 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Total service users(c) | 1,673 | 1,626 | 614 | 3,825 |
(a) Refers to persons receiving a Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement funded service. Service user data are estimates after use of a statistical linkage key to account for individuals who received services from more than one service type outlet during the 12 month period from July 2003 to June 2004.
(b) Data included in this table were aggregated into regions from postcode data. As a result, the sum of the components may not always equal the total. The Greater Hobart-Southern Region contains postcodes 7000-7190 and 40% of 7215. The Northern Region contains 7209-7304 excluding 7256, and 60% of 7215. The Mersey-Lyell Region contains 7256 and 7305-7470.
(c) Total service users may not be the sum of components since individuals may have accessed services from more than one service group during the 12 month period.
Source: Unpublished data from the 2003-04 Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set (CSTDA), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.