Dataset | Title | Census Geographic Areas (Edition 2006) Digital Boundaries,Australia ABS cat. no. 2923.0.30.001 |
Custodian | Custodian | ABS Geography Section: |
Description | Abstract | This product contains ABS digital boundaries for Census Geographic Areas, used for the dissemination of data from the 2006 Census of Population & Housing. Date of effect of this edition is 01 July 2006.
Digital boundaries are for Commonwealth Electoral Divisions for 2004 and 2007 (CED), State Electoral Division (SED), State Suburb (SSC), Postal Areas (POA), ATSIC REGION (AREG), Indigenous Area (IARE) and Indigenous Location (ILOC).
Boundaries for Census Collection Districts (CD) for the 2006 Census, from which all higher level boundaries have been aggregated, have been included in 1259.0.30.002 Statistical Geography - Australia Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) ED. 2006. |
 | Geographic Extent Name | Geographic Australia; including the external territories of Cocos
(Keeling) Islands & Christmas Island but excluding all other external territories. |
Data Currency | Beginning date | 17 July 2006 |
 | Ending date | Current |
Data Status | Progress | Completed dataset |
 | Maintenance & Update Frequency | No further updates are planned. |
Access | Stored data format | Digital as separate files for each level of the Census Geographic Areas 2006 structures represented. |
 | Available format type | MapInfo Interchange Format (.mid & .mif) and ESRI Shapefile (.shp) format. |
 | Access constraints | Copyright Commonwealth of Australia administered by the ABS. |
Data Quality | Lineage | CD boundaries are aligned to the PSMA digital topographic database used for ASGC 2006 boundary set (mid 2004 through early 2005). Higher level spatial units are aggregated from the CD level. |
 | Positional Accuracy | The PSMA topographic database to which boundaries are aligned was captured at scales which vary from 1:4,000 in urban areas to 1:250,000 in remote areas |
 | Attribute Accuracy | Geographical area codes & labels are 100 % validated to the 2006 edition codes & labels of the structures represented. (Reference is ABS cat no. 2905.0). |
 | Logical Consistency | Spatial units are closed polygons. Polygons are attributed with codes & labels. Slivers/bow-ties may be present within or between spatial units.
These data include attribute records without spatial objects for administrative purposes.
It should be noted that some POAs, SEDs and IREGs cross state and territory borders. |
 | Completeness | There are no SED or SSC boundaries for OT. |
Co-ordinate Systems | Datum | Datum GDA94 |
 | Projection | Projection Lat/Long |
Metadata Date | Metadata Date | July 2007 |
Additional Metadata | Additional Metadata | Reference: Statistical Geography Vol 1: Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2006 (ABS Cat. No. 1216.0) and Statistical Geography Vol 2: Census Geographic Areas Australia 2006 (ABS Cat. No. 2905.0). |