This document was added or updated on 02/04/2013.
- The 'Regional Statistics Matters' page has been updated with the latest information.
- Updated the 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page.
- Added a new feature article - 'Wage and Salary Earners, Time Series'.
- Details have been updated on the 'National Regional Profile Update' page.
- The 'Regional Population Estimates' page has been updated.
- Information on the 'Rural, Agriculture and Environment Developments' page has been updated.
- The latest news and regional releases have been added to the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Regional Statistics Matters' page has been updated with the latest information.
- Updated the 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page.
- Added a new feature article - 'Non-school Qualifications in Regions, 2011'.
- Information on the 'Rural, Agriculture and Environment Developments' page has been updated.
- The latest news and regional releases have been added to the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Newsletter and ABS Contact Details' information has been updated on the 'Links and Contacts' page.
- Updated the 'Regional Statistics Matters' page with the latest information.
- The releases and events schedule has been updated on the 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page.
- Added a new feature article - 'Business Owners in Regions, 2011'.
- The 'Regional Population Estimates' page has been updated.
- Information on the 'Rural, Agriculture and Environment Developments' page has been updated.
- The latest news and regional releases have been added to the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Regional Statistics Matters' page has been updated with the latest information.
- The release schedule has been updated on the 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page.
- Information on the 'Regional Population Estimates' page has been updated.
- Updated the 'Rural, Agriculture and Environment Developments' page.
- Included the latest regional releases on the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page has been updated with the latest information.
- Details have been updated on the 'National Regional Profile Update' page.
- Information on the 'Regional Population Estimates' page has been updated.
- Updated the 'Australian Community Indicators Network' article on the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Regional @ a Glance Web Pages' information has been updated on the 'Links and Contacts' page.
- Added a new feature article - 'Building and Other Construction Work in 2011'.
- The release date for the next 'National Regional Profile' has been updated.
- Updated the 'Fly-in Fly-out' article and other articles on the 'Other News' page.
- The 'Regional Statistics Schedule' page has been updated with the latest information.
- Included details about the Local Government and ABS newsletter.