Headline dimensions |  | Headline indicators |  | Supplementary indicators |
Health |  | Life expectancy at birth |  | Proportions of people surviving to ages 50 and 70; Infant mortality rate; Burden of disease |
Education and training |  | People aged 25-64 years with a vocational or higher education qualification |  | Education participation rate for those aged 15-19; Year 7/8 to Year 12 apparent retention rate |
Work |  | Unemployment rate |  | Extended labour force underutilisation rate; Long-term unemployment rate; Retrenchment rate; Casual employees; People in part-time jobs; People in jobs with longer hours (50 hours a week or more); Average hours per week, full-time workers |
Biodiversity |  | Extinct, endangered and vulnerable birds and mammals |  |  |
Land clearance |  | Annual area of land cleared |  |  |
Land degradation |  | Salinity, assets at risk in areas affected, or with a high potential to develop, salinity |  |  |
Inland waters |  | Water management areas, proportion where use exceeded 70% of sustainable yield |  | Water diversions: Murray-Darling Basin; River condition (biota) index; Net water use; River environment index |
Air quality |  | Fine particle concentrations, days health standards exceeded, selected capital cities |  | Highest one hour averages of SO2, selected regional centres; Days when ozone concentrations exceeded guidelines, selected capital cities; Consumption of ozone depleting substances |
Greenhouse gases |  | Net greenhouse gas emissions |  | Total greenhouse gas emissions (including land clearance); CO2-e emissions, net, per capita and per $ GDP |
National wealth |  | Real national net worth per capita |  | Real national assets and liabilities per capita; Real net capital stock per capita; Economically demonstrated resources (minerals and energy) per capita; Real net foreign debt |
National income |  | Real net national disposable income per capita |  | Real Gross Domestic Product per capita ; Proportion of the population in work; Terms of trade |
Economic disadvantage and inequality |  | Real equivalised average weekly disposable income of households in the second and third deciles of the income distribution |  | Real equivalised average weekly disposable income of groups of higher income households; Children without an employed parent; Real equivalised weekly disposable income of households at selected income percentiles;Ratios of income of households at selected income percentiles; Share of total income received by households in low and high income groups; Gini coefficient; Proportion of households with income below both the half mean and half median income of all households |
Housing |  | No headline indicator |  | Households with housing affordability problems; Households with insufficient or spare bedrooms |
Crime |  | Unlawful entry with intent and assault (victimisation rates) |  | Homicide rate; Imprisonment rates |
Social attachment |  | No headline indicator |  | Attendance at live performances; Participation in organised sports; Voluntary work; Marriage and divorce rates; Persons living alone; Waking-time spent alone; Homelessness; Suicide and drug-related death rates (indicators in the Work dimension are also relevant) |
Supplementary dimension | Supplementary indicator |
Land use | Native forest area |
Marine ecosystems | Estuarine condition index; Oil spill sightings and national plan responses |
Invasive species | Birds and mammals threatened by invasive species; Distribution of weeds of national significance |
Waste | Quantities of solid waste disposed of at landfills |
Consumption | Real final consumption expenditure per capita |
Saving | Net national saving as a proportion of GDP |
Inflation | Consumer price index; Domestic final demand price index |
Capital formation | Real gross fixed capital formation per capita |
Productivity | Multifactor productivity; Labour productivity |
Knowledge and innovation | Expenditure on research and development expenditure, as a proportion of GDP; Expenditure on education, as a proportion of GDP; Managers and professionals, as a proportion of total employment; Investment in software, as a proportion of GDP; Proportion of businesses with Website or Homepage |
Competitiveness | Real effective exchange rate |
Openness | Ratio of imports to GDP; Ratio of foreign investment inflow to GDP |
Communication and transport | Computer ownership and internet access, households; Passenger vehicles per 1,000 people |
Culture and leisure | No indicators |
Governance, democracy and citizenship | No indicators |