New - The Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics (CEES)
The ABS formed the Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics (CEES) in 2005. CEES seeks to complement and add value to existing environmental statistical activity through an active partnership with key agencies, including the states and territories.
An advisory board has been established to guide the activities of CEES. The inaugural meeting of the board was held on 24 August 2005 with the next meeting planned for 30 March 2006.
CEES in collaboration with others will:
- Provide leadership in the development of environment and energy statistics in Australia.
- Coordinate statistical activities across various sectors to develop frameworks and standards and improve data quality, comparability and coverage.
- Improve the understanding of trends and current issues, particularly across sectors, through its own analysis, and by supporting analysis by others.
- Compile environmental accounts – water, energy and greenhouse gases (and perhaps other accounts in future years).
- Maintain and update elements of an Environment Information Development Plan (IDP).
- Continue the popular time series publication on household data, which covers people's concerns, attitudes and behaviour on water, energy, transport and waste issues.
- Continue to produce a ‘thematic’ publication.
- Research, develop and test new environment and energy surveys.
- Examine proposals for client-funded extensions to the ABS core work program
For further information contact Michael Vardon, CEES Director on (02) 6252 7348, email