Training news
ABS web site training in Tassie
The Tasmanian LEP Co-ordinator, Mary Eagle, conducted ABS web site awareness raising sessions in February and March for the State Library of Tasmania. The sessions included the new and improved ABS web site, including the 'Statistics' area. Once again, the feedback has been great, with librarians welcoming the changes and responding with many positive comments, including: "The fact that most material is now free was also seen as a great step forward by the ABS".
ABS statistics @ Sale!
Heather Burns, Victorian LEP Coordinator, visited Sale in regional Victoria to run ABS web site training in February. Cathy Carr, LEP Manager for the Wellington Shire, used the opportunity to invite library staff from surrounding shires of East Gippsland, West Gippsland and Latrobe. Four sessions on the new ABS web site were provided with many library staff attending from remote and rural regional Victoria. The feedback was enthusiastic, particularly for the ABS Quiz, the Theme pages, National Regional Profiles and the 2001 Census Community Profiles. There was overall amazement at the variety of data and how easy it is to access for remote users! A special thank you to Cathy for organising the training.
NSW and ACT LEP Coordinators join forces ...
LEP Coordinators Anne Freer from NSW and Pat Stracey from the ACT recently visited Queanbeyan City Library to run the popular ABS Web Site Information Session. Library staff who attended were enthusiastic about the new layout and organisation of the ABS web site. Of particular interest was the ability to choose the appropriate census geography to get population characteristics for the City of Queanbeyan itself.
"The layout makes it easier for access", said Peter Conlon, Library Manager. "This information is great for council staff because there have been quite a few queries about statistics data from the planning areas of the council recently".
Would your library like LEP training? Contact your LEP Coordinator to find out when the next round of training is available.