2902.0 - Census Update (Newsletter), Aug 2002
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 08/11/2002
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Basic Community Profiles - The best start to your use of Census data
The 2001 Census BCP contains 33 tables of census data for persons, families and dwellings. 21 tables (B1-B21) are available from the first release of data (17 June 2002), with the remaining 12 tables to follow with the second release of data in November 2002. BCPs are excellent tools for research, planning and analysis of areas across Australia, and enable comparisons of geographic areas for a number of social, economic and demographic variables. How can I access BCPs? The BCP for the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) main structure down to Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) can be downloaded for free from the ABS web site. SLAs are aggregates of Collection Districts, and provide small area data to suit the majority of census users. BCPs for Collection Districts can be purchased via the ABS web site for $10 per geographical area selected or through ABS Information Consultancy for $10 plus a labour charge component. BCPs for geography outside the ASGC structure are also available - i.e. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Regions, Indigenous Areas and Locations; State and Commonwealth Electoral Divisions; Suburbs and Postal Areas. BCPs for these non-ASGC areas can also be purchased via the ABS web site for $10 per geographical area selected. If you do not have access to the web site, you may submit orders through ABS Information Consultancy for $10 plus a labour charge component. What data are available? (First Release Processing) B01 Selected Characteristics B02 State of Usual Residence on Census Nightby Sex B03 Age by Sex B04 Age by Registered Marital Status by Sex B05 Ancestry by Birthplace of Parents (New!) B06 Birthplace (Countries) by Sex B07 Birthplace (Regions) by Sex B08 Language Spoken at Home by Sex B09 Proficiency In Spoken English by Year of Arrivalin Australia B10 Religious Affiliation by Sex B11 Type of Educational Institution Attending(Full- time/Part-time) by Sex B12 Highest Level of Schooling Completed by Sex B13 Weekly Individual Income by Age by Sex B14 Relationship in Household by Age by Sex B15 Age by Computer Use by Sex (New!) B16 Internet Use by Sex (New!) B17 Family Type (Brought forward from second release!) B18 Dwelling Structure B19 Dwelling Structure by Tenure Type andLandlord Type B20 Monthly Housing Loan Repayment B21 Weekly Rent by Landlord Type Snapshots Census Snapshots are ready-made summaries of the 2001 Census data for selected areas. These “Snapshots”, ideal for the occasional user of Census data, are extracted from the BCPs and are available free from the ABS web site. The narrative format of Snapshots makes them perfect for inclusion in news articles, school assignments and projects. These summaries include information on Census Counts, People of Indigenous Origin, Age, Registered Marital Status, Ancestry, Birthplace, Language Spoken at Home, Income, Computer and Internet Use, Families and Households, Dwellings and summary tables. Snapshots are available for Australia; States and Territories; Capital City Statistical Divisions; and Statistical Local Areas. A 1901 Snapshot for all of Australia and some States is also available to celebrate the Centenary of Federation. You can access Census Snapshots via the census pages of the web site by selecting your area of interest from the “drill-down” map or area name list. Turn to pages 10–11 to view the Census Snapshot for Australia. STEP by STEP Guide to accessing BCPs and Snapshots Step one Log onto the Census pages of the ABS web site at www.abs.gov.au/census and then click on FREE DATA Step two Click on the heading Basic Community Profiles and Snapshots Step three Click either “by MAP” or “by NAME” Step four Select area required Remember that BCPs within the “by MAP” navigator are all free of charge except for Collection Districts. BCPs within the “by NAME” navigator are only free of charge in the Main Structure (ASGC) list and only down to Statistical Local Areas. Other area lists eg Local Government Areas, State Suburbs, etc, all incur charges. “Twisties” are used in a number of web pages and in the selection of areas by Name. Twisties (blue triangle) are icons which when clicked on, expand or collapse the available topics. Please ensure that you click directly on the arrow to expand or collapse until you reach the level in which you are interested. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.