14-15 October 1999
The Transformation of Australia’s Population 1970-2030
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29 November-1 December 1999:
International Migration into the 21st Century
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Conducted by the Centre for Migration and Development Studies, University of Western Australia in Perth. More information from asiddqu@ecel.uwa.edu.au
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30 November-2 December 1999
Geodemographics of Ageing in Australia Symposium
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The Australian Population Association and the Royal Geographical Society are jointly hosting a national symposium in Brisbane. ABS is a sponsor.
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The symposium will emphasise the geography of the ageing, moving from the international scale through the national scale to the urban and rural scale. A number of national and international experts will be speaking at the symposium, including Charles Longino, the author of many papers and books on the migration of the ageing in North America, and Gary Andrews, presently the Head, International Year of Older Persons at the United Nations in New York. Further information can be obtained from the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland (RGSQ) by phone on (07) 3252 3856 or at their web site http://www.rgsq.gil.com.au/
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