Western Australian Statistical Indicators

The Winemaking Industry in W A
The September issue of Western Australian Statistical Indicators (cat. no. 1367.5) features an article on the winemaking industry in Western Australia. This industry has experienced significant increases in wine production and exports over the last five years, and is located in one of the fastest growing winemaking regions in Australia.
Highlights from the article include:
- The volume of wine exported from Western Australia showed significant growth, from 1.3 million litres in 1998-99 to 5 million litres in 2002-03
- The United Kingdom was the major country of destination for Western Australia's wine exports in 2002-03, accounting for 33.3% of the total volume of wine exported
- Beverage wine production in Western Australia more than tripled, from 12.7 million litres in 1997-98 to 39.1 million litres in 2001-02, an increase of 207.6%
- Since 1996, the number of Western Australians whose main job was in grape-growing or wine production increased by 124.5% to 3,228 people in 2001.
The publication, Western Australian Statistical Indicators, September Quarter 2003 (cat. no. 1367.5) provides information on: state accounts; consumer price index; construction; tourism; labour market; finance; trade; population; crime; and environment statistics. There is also a section on Social Trends, which focuses on the issues of education, training and work in Western Australia.
For further information, contact Amanda Baile on (08) 9360 5178 or email amanda.baile@abs.gov.au