
This issue of SA Stats is a quarterly data release and represents an overview of a number of economic, social and environment statistics. The topics covered include demography, state accounts, consumption, investment, production, prices, labour force, incomes, housing finance, environment and tourist accomodation.
SA Stats provides an overview of the South Australian economy. The overview will be updated on a quarterly basis (in March, June, September and December) and in the intervening months the publication will include feature articles that provide a South Australian focus on economic, social and environmental issues.
Explanatory Notes are not included in SA Stats in the form found in other ABS publications. Readers are directed to the Explanatory Notes contained in related ABS publications.
If you have any comments about this product please contact Arnold Strals on ph: (08) 8237 7365 or alternatively email sa.statistics@abs.gov.au.
 | South Australia | Australia | % | Period |
Estimated Resident Population | 1 581 400 | 20 948 900 | 7.5% | Mar 2007 Qtr |
State Final Demand (trend) | $17 000m | $255 040m | 6.7% | Jun 2007 Qtr |
Household Final Consumption Expenditure | $9 907m | $140 815m | 7.0% | Jun 2007 Qtr |
Retail Turnover | $1 385.5m | $19 292.1m | 7.2% | Jul 2007 |
New Motor Vehicle Sales | 5 058 | 86 834 | 5.8% | Aug 2007 |
Private New Capital Expenditure | $1 248m | $20 685m | 6.0% | Jun 2007 Qtr |
Mineral Exploration Expenditure | $84.1m | $502.5m | 16.7% | Jun 2007 Qtr |
Petroleum Exploration Expenditure | $48.6m | $732.1m | 6.7% | Jun 2007 Qtr |
Building Approvals (dwelling units) | 893 | 12 775 | 7.0% | Jul 2007 |
Consumer Price Index (all groups) | 159.3 | *155.7 | 102.3% | Sep 2007 |
Job Vacancies (original) | 10 000 | 173 100 | 5.8% | Aug 2007 Qtr |
Employed persons | 761 000 | 10 502 000 | 7.3% | Aug 2007 |
Unemployed persons | 38 100 | 467 100 | 8.2% | Aug 2007 |
Average Weekly Earnings | $1 011.1 | $1 088.4 | 93.0% | Feb 2007 |
Exports | $916m | $14 523m | 6.3% | Jul 2007 |
Imports | $511m | $15 275m | 3.3% | Jul 2007 |
Housing Finance Commitments | $1 006m | $15 673m | 6.4% | Jul 2007 |
Average Loan Size (owner occuped)
Tourist Accommodation Takings | $193 400
$117.0m | $239 700
$2 370.3m | 80.7%
4.9% | Jul 2007
Mar 2007 Qtr |
*Average of 8 capital cities