55. Public sector accounts |
5501.0 | Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2000-01
5501.0.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2014-15 Final
5501.0.55.002 | Government Financial Estimates, Commonwealth, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.1.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, New South Wales, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.2 | Local Government Finance, Victoria, 1999-2000
5501.2.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Victoria, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.3.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Queensland, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.4.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, South Australia, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.5.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Western Australia, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.6 | Government Finance Statistics, Tasmania, 1999-2000
5501.6.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Tasmania, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5501.7.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Nothern Territory, Electronic Delivery, 2002
5501.8.55.001 | Government Financial Estimates, Australian Capital Territory, Electronic Delivery, 2002-03
5502.1.15.001 | Local Government Finance, New South Wales, 1999-2000
5502.1.40.001 | Local Government Finance, New South Wales, 2000-01
5502.3 | Local Government, Queensland, 1993-94
5502.7 | Local Government Finance, Northern Territory, 1996-97 and 1997-98
5502.7.55.001 | Local Government Finance, Northern Territory, Electronic Delivery, 1998-99
5506.0 | Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2018-19
5510.0 | Expenditure on Education, Australia, 1997-98
5512.0 | Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2018-19
5512.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Forthcoming Changes to the Annual Publication for Government Finance Statistics, Dec 2018
5513.0 | Public Sector Financial Assets and Liabilities, Australia, 30 Jun 1998
5514.0 | Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2015
5514.0.55.001 | Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2005
5514.0.55.002 | Local Government Purpose Classification, 2008
5515.0 | Finance Estimates of Commonwealth Public Trading Enterprises, Australia, 1996-97
5516.0 | Information Paper: Developments in Government Finance Statistics, 1997
5517.0 | Information Paper: Accruals-Based Government Finance Statistics, 2000
5518.0.40.001 | Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, Data Report, 1998-99
5518.0.55.001 | Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, 2018-19
5519.0.55.001 | Government Finance Statistics, Australia, Jun 2020