33. Vital statistics |
3301.0 | Births, Australia, 2018
3302.0 | Deaths, Australia, 2018
3302.0.55.001 | Life Tables, States, Territories and Australia, 2016-2018
3302.0.55.002 | Discussion Paper: Assessment of Methods for Developing Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006
3302.0.55.003 | Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2015-2017
3302.0.55.004 | Linking Death registrations to the 2016 Census, 2016-17
3302.0.55.005 | Information Paper: Death registrations to Census linkage project - Key Findings for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, 2011-2012
3302.1.55.001 | Life Tables, New South Wales, 2008-2010
3302.2.55.001 | Life Tables, Victoria, 2008-2010
3302.3.55.001 | Life Tables, Queensland, 2008-2010
3302.4.55.001 | Life Tables, South Australia, 2008-2010
3302.5.55.001 | Life Tables, Western Australia, 2008-2010
3302.6.55.001 | Life Tables, Tasmania, 2008-2010
3302.7.55.001 | Life Tables, Northern Territory, 2008-2010
3302.8.55.001 | Life Tables, Australian Capital Territory, 2008-2010
3303.0.55.001 | Causes of Death, Australia: Doctor Certified Deaths, Summary Tables, 2019
3303.0.55.002 | Microdata: Mortality, Enhanced Characteristics, Australia , 2011-12
3303.0.55.003 | Changing Patterns of Mortality in Australia, 1968-2017
3303.0.55.004 | Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan - May 2020
3304.0 | Perinatal Deaths, Australia, 2009
3306.0 | Marriages, Australia, 1993
3306.0.55.001 | Marriages, Australia, 2007
3307.0 | Divorces, Australia, July 1994
3307.0.55.001 | Divorces, Australia, 2007
3309.0 | Suicides, Australia, 2010
3309.0.55.001 | Suicides: Recent Trends, Australia, 1993 to 2003
3310.0 | Marriages and Divorces, Australia, 2018
3311.0.55.001 | Demography, Australia, 2004 Final
3311.1 | Demography, New South Wales, 2001
3311.1.55.001 | Demography, New South Wales, 2004 Final
3311.2 | Demography, Victoria, 2001
3311.2.55.001 | Demography, Victoria, 2004 Final
3311.3 | Demography, Queensland, 2001
3311.3.55.001 | Demography, Queensland, 2004 Final
3311.4 | Demography, South Australia, 2001
3311.4.55.001 | Demography, South Australia, 2004 Final
3311.5 | Demography, Western Australia, 2001
3311.5.55.001 | Demography, Western Australia, 2004 Final
3311.6 | Demography, Tasmania, 2001
3311.6.55.001 | Demography, Tasmania, 2004 Final
3311.7 | Demography, Northern Territory, 1995 Corrigendum
3311.7.55.001 | Demography, Northern Territory, 2004 Final
3311.8 | Demography, Australian Capital Territory, 2001
3311.8.55.001 | Demography, Australian Capital Territory, 2004 Final
3312.1 | Deaths, New South Wales, 1993
3312.2 | Deaths, Victoria, 1993
3312.3 | Deaths, Queensland, 1993
3312.4 | Deaths, South Australia, 1993
3312.5 | Deaths, Western Australia, 1993
3312.6 | Deaths, Tasmania, 1993
3313.0 | Trends in Mortality by Causes of Death in Australia, the States and Territories during 1971-92 and in the Regions during 1991-92, 1971-92
3314.0 | Deaths due to Diseases and Cancers of the Respiratory System, Australia, 1979-94
3315.0 | Occasional Paper: Mortality of Indigenous Australians, 1997
3316.7 | Indigenous Demography, Northern Territory, 1994
3317.0.55.001 | Information Paper: External Causes of Death, Data Quality, 2005
3317.0.55.002 | Information Paper: ABS Causes of Death Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2006
3318.0 | Mortality Atlas, Australia, 1997 to 2000
3319.0.55.001 | Multiple Cause of Death Analysis, 1997-2001
3320.0 | Deaths From External Causes, Australia, 1998 to 2002
3321.0.55.001 | Drug Induced Deaths, Australia, 1991-2001