Statistics by Release Date
July, 1968 |
31/07/1968 |
Balance of Payments, Quarterly Summary, Jun 1968 (cat no. 5302.0)
15/07/1968 |
Social Statistics, Australia: Divorce, Jun, Sep and Dec 1967 (cat no. 3307.0)
09/07/1968 |
Year Book Queensland, 1967 (cat no. 1301.3)
03/07/1968 |
Schools, Australia, 1967 (cat no. 4221.0)
02/07/1968 |
Employment and Unemployment, Apr 1968 (cat no. 6213.0)
01/07/1968 |
City of Canberra: Population distribution, district by age at each census, population count or special count, 1943 (cat no. 2115.0)