The following estimates of overseas arrivals and departures have been derived from a combination of historical OAD data and information about travellers for the relevant reference months from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection's traveller processing system. The regular data source for overseas arrivals and departure statistics, passenger cards, is currently unavailable. The ABS is working closely with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to resume the regular release of Overseas Arrivals and Departures statistics. In the meantime, the following modelled estimates are provided. ABS analysis of the modelled estimates show they perform well historically.
The modelled statistics are estimates of totals for each category of movement for each state or territory of residence/stay, and for Australia. Estimates for each state or territory of residence/stay by category of movement are available in the Data Cubes under the Downloads tab, noting that the estimates have not been seasonally adjusted.
Preliminary estimates show that in March 2015 there was a total of 1,382,700 overseas arrivals to Australia. In February 2015 there were 1,408,400 overseas arrivals, and in January 2015 there was a total of 1,760,900 arrivals. When compared to the estimates (original not seasonally adjusted) in the previous year they had increased by 2.0%, 5.7% and 8.6% respectively.
In March 2015, preliminary estimates show there were 671,600 short-term visitor arrivals to Australia. In February 2015, there were 715,200 short-term visitor arrivals, and in January 2015 there were 539,100 short-term visitor arrivals.
Total Movements, Arrivals by Category of Movement - Preliminary(a), Jan - Mar 2015 |
 | Permanent | Long-term | Long-term | Short-term | Short-term | Total |
 | Arrivals | Resident Returns | Visitor Arrivals | Resident Returns | Visitor Arrivals | Arrivals |
 | no. | no. | no. | '000 | '000 | '000 |
2015 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
January | 12 900 | 10 900 | 65 900 | 1 132.2 | 539.1 | 1 760.9 |
February | 11 400 | 9 300 | 63 000 | 609.4 | 715.2 | 1 408.4 |
March | 13 900 | 9 600 | 42 400 | 645.3 | 671.6 | 1 382.7 |
(a) Care should be taken as these are modelled estimates - see Explanatory Notes 7 -13.
Preliminary estimates show that in March 2015 there was a total of 1,449,700 overseas departures from Australia. In February 2015 there were 1,246,200 overseas departures, and in January 2015 there were 1,494,000 departures. When compared to the estimates (original not seasonally adjusted) in the previous year they had increased by 2.1%, 5.3% and 11.5% respectively.
In March 2015, preliminary estimates show there were 716,000 short-term resident departures from Australia. In February 2015, there were 551,500 short-term resident departures and in January 2015, there were 686,600 short-term resident departures.
Total Movements, Departures by Category of Movement - Preliminary(a), Jan - Mar 2015 |
 | Permanent | Long-term | Long-term | Short-term | Short-term | Total |
 | Departures | Resident
Departures | Visitor
Departures | Resident
Departures | Visitor
Departures | Departures |
 | no. | no. | no. | '000 | '000 | '000 |
2015 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
January | 11 500 | 10 000 | 22 200 | 686.6 | 763.7 | 1 494.0 |
February | 5 100 | 5 700 | 17 500 | 551.5 | 666.4 | 1 246.2 |
March | 7 900 | 6 500 | 18 100 | 716.0 | 701.1 | 1 449.7 |
(a) Care should be taken as these are modelled estimates - see Explanatory Notes 7 -13.