This publication presents results from an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey of government expenditure relating to information and communication technology (ICT). The survey was conducted in respect of the 2002-03 financial year.
This is the third ABS survey of government ICT expenditure with the previous collections being conducted in respect of the 1997-98 and 1999-2000 financial years. The range of ICT expenditure data collected in previous collections was very limited. The 2002-03 survey did not collect ICT use data.
The results presented in this publication cannot be directly compared with data published for previous collections. As there were significant scope and methodological changes made to the 2002-03 collection, comparisons to previously published data are not recommended. More information about these changes can be found in the Explanatory Notes.
When interpreting the results of a survey it is important to take into account factors that may affect the reliability of estimates. Such factors can be classified as either sampling or non-sampling error. While the degree of sampling error for estimates presented in this publication can be considered small, estimates are likely to be subject to a degree of non-sampling error. The extent and sources of non-sampling errors are described in the Technical Notes.
The future collection of expenditure by government organisations related to ICT is currently under review. The ABS welcomes feedback from readers regarding the usefulness, range and quality of the data presented. Please send any comments to: The Director, Innovation and Technology Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box K881, Perth, WA, 6842.
This summary of findings focuses on the outputs of an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey of government information and communication technology (ICT) employment and expenditure conducted in respect of 2002-03. The scope for each level of government is contained in the explanatory notes. In summary, the federal government level includes federal general government and tertiary education; the state/territory government level includes state/territory general government, vocational and school education; and the local government level includes local government authorities and other administrative bodies such as regional councils.
- Total government operating expenses for wages and salaries of ICT employees were $1,689 million in 2002-03. Federal government level operating expenses for wages and salaries of ICT employees represented 50% of this total. State/territory and local government level operating expenses for this item were 42% and 8% of the total respectively.
- Government operating expenses for ICT hardware, computer software, telecommunications services and payments to contractors during 2002-03 were $5,059 million.
- Federal and state/territory government levels had the same proportion (both approximately 46%) of total ICT operating expenses ($6,749 million). The local government level only contributed 7% to this total.
- Total capital expenditure on ICT by all levels of government was $2,333 million during 2002-03. The majority of capital expenditure on ICT was by the federal government level (47%).
- Operating expenses for wages and salaries of ICT employees were the largest contributor to ICT operating expenses, representing almost a quarter of the total selected ICT operating expenses. ICT employment (30,733 employees) was highest at the federal government level (almost 50% of all government ICT employment and 4.5% of all federal government level employees). The federal government level had operating expenses of $836 million for wages and salaries of ICT employees.
- At the state/territory government level, operating expenses for wages and salaries of ICT employees were $710 million. The highest proportion of these were spent in New South Wales (over 32%). Over 42% of all government ICT employment was at the state/territory government level. New South Wales had the highest proportion of ICT employees (27%) at the state/territory government level.
- The local government level represented just over 8% of total government operating expenses for wages and salaries of ICT staff and a similar proportion of total government ICT employment.
- Total operating expenses in 2002-03 by government for ICT hardware were $1,209 million. Over 50% of operating expenses for ICT hardware were at the state/territory government level and 40% at the federal government level.
- Government operating expenses for computer software were $631 million, with federal and state/territory levels of government reporting $269 million and $291 million respectively. New South Wales and Victoria had similar proportions (25% and 24% respectively) of total state/territory level operating expenses for computer software.
- Operating expenses by all government for telecommunications services were $1,542 million, being almost a third of total selected ICT operating expenses (excluding wages and salaries of ICT employees). At the state/territory level, New South Wales represented over 30% ($234 million) of state/territory level operating expenses for telecommunications services. Local government operating expenses for telecommunications services were $111 million or just over 7% of total operating expenses for this ICT item.
- Government operating expenses for payments to contractors and consultants for ICT services were $1,678 million with over two thirds ($1,131 million) of this amount being for ongoing services.
- Total government capital expenditure for computer software, computers and computer peripherals and communications equipment was $2,333 million. Of this amount, capital expenditure by government at the state/territory level for these selected ICT items was approximately 46% (or $1,063 million). The highest proportion of capital expenditure at the state/territory level for these selected ICT items was in Queensland (34% or $358 million). The majority of Queensland's ICT capital expenditure was for computer software.
- Computers and computer peripherals make up the highest proportion of total government ICT capital expenditure at 43% (or $1,000 million). However, at the federal government level, the highest proportion of total selected ICT capital expenditure was for computer software (44% or $485 million). Almost 47% of state/territory level ICT capital expenditure was on computers and computer peripherals ($498 million). Queensland contributed 28% (or $142 million) of the total state/territory level ICT capital expenditure on computers and computer peripherals.
- Capital expenditure by all government for communications equipment during 2002-03 was $347 million. Of this amount, the federal government level represented over 54% ($188 million).
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Selected ICT operating
expenses |  | Selected ICT capital expenditure |
|  |
 | Wages & salaries of ICT employees | Other (a) | Total (b) |  | Total (c) |
 | $m | $m | $m |  | $m |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Federal government | 836 | 2,270 | 3,106 |  | 1,101 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
State/Territory government |  |  |  |  |  |
| 230 | 692 | 922 |  | 276 |
| 133 | 514 | 648 |  | 201 |
| 154 | 433 | 587 |  | 358 |
| 67 | 306 | 373 |  | 86 |
| 70 | 263 | 333 |  | 92 |
| 24 | 60 | 83 |  | 7 |
| 14 | 82 | 96 |  | 4 |
Australian Capital Territory
| 19 | 73 | 92 |  | 39 |
| 710 | 2,424 | 3,135 |  | 1,063 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Local Government |  |  |  |  |  |
| ^42 | ^110 | 151 |  | ^65 |
| 26 | 69 | 96 |  | ^29 |
| 53 | 134 | 187 |  | 46 |
| 9 | 18 | 27 |  | ^11 |
| ^9 | 24 | 33 |  | ^14 |
| 3 | 7 | 10 |  | 3 |
| ^1 | ^4 | ^5 |  | ^1 |
Australian Capital Territory (d)
| - | - | - |  | - |
| 143 | 366 | 509 |  | 169 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Total | 1,689 | 5,061 | 6,749 |  | 2,333 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution
— nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) Other selected ICT operating expenses includes ICT hardware, software, telecommunications services and payments to contractors and consultants for ICT services.
(b) Total selected ICT operating expenses includes wages and salaries of ICT staff, ICT hardware, software, telecommunications services and payments to contractors and consultants for ICT services.
(c) Total selected ICT capital expenditure includes computer software, computers and computer peripherals and communications equipment.
(d) No local government in the Australian Capital Territory.