4 September 2015 | Embargoed: 11.30 am (Canberra time)
| 97/2015 |
Humanitarian migrants the most entrepreneurial: ABS report
Humanitarian migrants were the most entrepreneurial while skilled migrants generated the most income in 2009-2010, according to figures released for the first time by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today.
Migrants generated $38 billion in total income in 2009-10. Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of migrant taxpayers were Skilled, 28 per cent were Family migrants and 4 per cent were Humanitarian migrants.
Personal Income of Migrants, Experimental, Australia, presents detailed information on the sources of personal income that migrants received for the 2009-10 financial year from the Personal Income Tax and Migrants Integrated Dataset (PITMID).
“This is an exciting first release of experimental data and results show some distinct differences in the personal incomes of migrants influenced by visa stream, period of residence and gender,” said Jenny Dobak from the ABS.
“While almost two-thirds of migrant taxpayers were migrants with a Skilled visa — reporting $26 billion in Employee income — Humanitarian migrants displayed greater entrepreneurial qualities and reported a higher proportion of income from their own unincorporated businesses and this income increased sharply after five years of residency.”
Migrants born in the UK reported the most total income at $8.8 billion, while migrants born in India were the second largest income contributors with $5.3 billion of total income. Migrants born in South Africa comprised only 5 per cent of all migrant taxpayers but received $2.8 billion in total income.
Gender, employment status, industry of employment and job history were significant factors influencing the level of income of migrants. Results showed that;
- Median Employee incomes for Skilled males exceeded the median Employee income for Skilled females across all age groups.
- Almost 55 per cent of migrant taxpayers were males reporting 65 per cent or $24 billion of total income.
- Two-thirds of Own unincorporated business income earners were males. They received 77 per cent or $1.4 billion of Own unincorporated business income in 2009-10.
Further information can be found in Personal Income of Migrants, Experimental, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 3418.0), available for free download from the ABS website (
Media note:
- This release presents detailed information on the sources of personal income that migrants received for the 2009-10 financial year, including Employee income, Own unincorporated business income, Investment income, Other income and Foreign income.
- Data presented are limited to permanent migrants aged 15 years and over who have arrived in Australia between 1 January 2000 and 6 March 2013.
- * Other income includes transfer or trust income; foreign investment fund and/or foreign life insurance assurance policy income; controlled foreign company income; foreign salary/pension income; other net foreign source income; and other (including superannuation and annuity income). Data for superannuation and annuities are understated. See Explanatory Notes for more information.
- Please ensure when reporting on ABS data that you attribute the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or the ABS) as the source.
- Media requests and interviews - contact the ABS Communications Section on 1300 175 070.