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We have a theme page on the ABS website. The theme page provides links to current information on statistical releases and contacts, and now includes a glossary of terms. It will also enable you to link to other sites of interest. The theme page can be accessed by clicking on this link: Innovation, Science and technology.
While continuing to deliver more new and exciting products and services from the 2006 Census, the ABS is turning its attention to the next Census of Population and Housing to be held in 2011.
The ABS is inviting public comment on the content and procedures planned for the 2011 Population Census. The invitation to have a say in the way the nation’s largest statistical collection is undertaken, is in the Information Paper: 2011 Census of Population and Housing: ABS Views on Content and Procedures.
This is the first in a series of information papers about the 2011 Population Census. It is the initial step in the public consultation process for the 2011 Population Census and outlines ABS proposals including:
· procedures for conducting the Census
· arrangements to protect the privacy of individuals
· measures to ensure the confidentiality of the information collected
· topics to be included
· topics under review, including new topic proposals
· topics to be excluded
How do I make a submission?
Submissions can be lodged either online, electronically by email or in hardcopy. The submission period closes on 31 March 2008. Users of Census data and interested members of the public are invited to make submissions on any aspect of the Census.
The Information Paper and Submission Form is available on the ABS website (for free download) at www.abs.gov.au/2011censusviews . Information and guidelines about making a submission are also available from the website.
In addition to providing copies of the Information Paper to people and organisations with an interest in Census data, the ABS has notified the public of the release of the Information Paper through:
· advertisements placed in major newspapers across the country
· media releases
· the ABS website
What happens next?
Following the assessment of submissions and consultation meetings, recommendations on the content and procedures of the 2011 Census will be discussed with the Australian Statistics Advisory Council later in 2008. The ABS will then prepare a submission to the Federal Government during 2009. A final decision on the 2011 Census topics is expected to be made by the Federal Government in late 2009. The ABS will then release a further Information Paper outlining the final nature and content of the 2011 Census.
All individuals or organisations who have made submissions will be advised of the final outcomes.