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In 2008, the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) collected a detailed set of information relating to the adoption of specific agricultural management practices which have known links to improvements in natural resource condition. These data were collected from a sample of approximately 33,000 agricultural businesses.
On May 29 2009, ABS released Land Management and Farming , 2007-08 (cat. no. 4627.0) which presents this data.
Some of the findings in relation to land preparation activities showed;
- of all agricultural businesses preparing crops and pastures, around half employed zero-till,
- zero tillage accounted for nearly two thirds of all land prepared for crops and pastures (17.5 mill. ha), and
- the proportion of area prepared with no cultivation was highest in Western Australia (almost 80% of all prepared land).
For more information, please contact Ron Just on (03) 6222 5842.